< 1. Piazza De Ferrari >
< 1.フェッラーリ広場 >
I introduce Genoa.
There was the remnant
which Genoa played an active part as a Maritime nation in those days.
After this sightseeing, we got on a
Cruise ship and departed from this port in the early evening.
< 2. Maps of Genoa >
< 2. ジェノバの地図 >
The upper part of two maps
shows the north.
Upper photo: A yellow line shows the route from Milan, and
a blue line does the sea route of our Cruise ship.
A red frame shows the
range of the lower map.
Lower map: The red line shows our sightseeing route by
foot, and we started in S and finished at F.
The distance on foot is
approximately 1.5km.
The sightseeing took
approximately one hour from 11:30, on March 3, 2016.
上の地図: 黄線がミラノから来たルート、青線がクルーズ船の出港を示す。
下の地図: 赤線が徒歩ルートで、Sから始めてFで終わりました。
< 3. A house of Columbus >
< 3. コロンブスの家 >
Upper photo: We just arrived at Genoa by bus.
Central photo: A house of Columbus.
This building was
restored on the remains of his birthplace.
上の写真: バスでジェノバに到着。
真中の写真: コロンブスの家。これは生家跡の上に復元されたものです。
下の写真: 12世紀の教会の回廊を復元したもの。
< 4. Gate of the
Middle Ages, “Porta Soprana” >
< 4.中世の門「Porta Soprana」 >
Upper photo: The obverse and reverse sides of the gate.
There was the castle wall that
surrounded the mountainside of Genoa, and a gate at here once.
This gate was again restored as thing
made between the 9th century and the 12th century.
Lower photo: We passed through the gate and went to Piazza
De Ferrari.
The dome roof of a cathedral
was seen over there.
上の写真: 城門の表と裏。
下の写真: 門を抜けて、フェッラーリ広場に向かう。
< 5. Piazza De Ferrari >
< 5.フェッラーリ広場 >
Upper photo: The center is a securities exchange.
Central photo: The center is an art academy and art museum.
Lower photo: The right is an opera house.
This open space is the
center of Genoa and also is the center of finance and business.
A video footage of Piazza
De Ferrari is 13 seconds.
上の写真: 中央が証券取引所。
真中の写真: 中央が美術学校と美術館。
下の写真: 右がオペラハウス。
< 6. Via Garibaldi >
< 6.ガリバルディ通り >
This street and palaces “Palazzo”
is World Heritage Sites.
The decoration of these fronts was
excellent, but when we entered it, I was amazed.
In the 16th century, Genoa gave up a
declining Mediterranean trade, and financed Spain progressing to the Age of
Discovery, and then Genoa accomplished revival.
In the times of the prosperity, the
merchants provided their homes as the guesthouse that they invite noble people
These guesthouses have
lined this street.
< 7. One of the
guesthouses, “Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi” 1 >
< 7.迎賓館の一つ「Palazzo
Carrega-Cataldi」1 >
Upper photo: Going up the stairs.
Lower photo: Overlooking the first floor from the upper part of stairs.
This is used as the chamber of commerce
上の写真: 階段を上って2階に。
下の写真: 階段の上部から1階を見下ろす。
< 8. “Palazzo
Carrega-Cataldi” 2 >
< 8.「Palazzo
Carrega-Cataldi」2 >
Upper photo: The first-floor ceiling.
Lower photo: The second floor.
上の写真: 1階の天井。
下の写真: 2階。
< 9. “Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi” 3 >
< 9.「Palazzo
Carrega-Cataldi」3 >
Upper photo: Rooms around a courtyard.
Lower photo: A conference room.
It was redecorated by
rococo style with many gold in the 18th century.
When I looked at it, I
just remembered the impression of a time I saw the Pilgrimage Church of Wies in
上の写真: 中庭を囲む部屋。
下の写真: 会議室。
< 10. “Palazzo
Carrega-Cataldi” 4 >
< 10.「Palazzo
Carrega-Cataldi」4 >
The expansion of the
conference room.
< 11. Other palaces >
< 11. 他の宮殿 >
Central photo: Entrance hall of one of the palaces, “Palazzo Podestà”.
Lower photo: The courtyard is right behind the entrance hall.
A video footage of Via
Garibaldi is 13 seconds.
On the next time, I introduce the
boarding a Cruise ship and the departure from this port.
真中の写真: 宮殿の一つ「Palazzo
下の写真: 「Palazzo Podestà」の玄関ホールを抜けた先にある中庭。