Showing posts with label Series: History of sickness and medical art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Series: History of sickness and medical art. Show all posts


History of sickness and medical art 31: China 6

病と医術の歴史 31: 中国 6        

< 1. Bronze ware of Yin dynasty, the 14-11th century B.C. >
< 1. 殷の青銅器、紀元前14~11世紀 >

This time, I introduce a summary of Chinese medical art, and end it.

< 2. Dishes of Chinese food therapywas stewed medicines in soup
< 2. 薬材を煮込んだ薬膳料理、 >

The megatrend (mainly till the 1st century)
In ancient China, the medical art of empirical science gradually developed from medical art being mainly magic.
As for the recognition to physiology, there was an emphasis on heart and a body fluid theory same as other ancient civilization.
There were several phases of outstanding changes in medical art till the 1st century.
Doctors divided their treatments among medicine men in Imperial Court.
There was the activity of doctors who went around each country intended for common people also.
Some important medical books were published.
The etiology had a concept being close to human body at around the 1st century B.C., but after that, it united with a theory of mind by religion (Taoism) and it didn’t develop.
However, because they attached importance to the practice, Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Chinese herb were developed


3. pulse diagnosis >
3.脈診 >

The characteristic of Chinese medical art, and the background
A: they did not identify a cause of the disease and decided the treatment policy by combination of plural symptoms.
B: they attached importance to disease prevention by raising natural healing capacity than treating the disease from outside.
C: in the disease diagnosis, the pulse diagnosis was developed especially.

In China, why didn’t the surgery develop? And why did the etiology greatly depend on the theory of mind?

Many religions of the world disliked the profanity of the body, and Confucianism prohibited the dissection like Christianity and Islam.
Therefore it is weak as a persuasive power that Chinese surgery didn’t develop by the prohibition of the religion.
Looking around the world, because pastoral tribe did not have resistance to the dissection than agricultural people, this may be a cause of it.

Another characteristic will originate in a reason that is pointed out in certain culture psychology.
People of the East Asia have a strong tendency that " can see forest but don’t look at tree " as compared with Westerner.
This seems to have led Chinese etiology that didn't identify one cause and saw the whole symptom.
This will become to the characteristic A.

A: 一つの病因を特定するのではなく、複数の症状の組合せ「証」によって治療方針を決めた。
B: 病気を外部から治療するよりも、自然治癒力を高めることと病気予防を重視した。
C: 病気診断では、四診(観察、聴・嗅診、質問、脈診)の脈診が発達した。




< 4. a symbol showing “Yin and Yang” and a temple of Taoism >
< 4. 陰陽を表す図と道教の寺院 >

In China, Yin and Yang philosophy (space or body unify and change by two opposed elements) began to be unified at about the 3rd century B.C.
And Confucianism and Taoism of two major religion of China theorized it.
Taoism greatly was developed during Tang Dynasties, and the prescription of perpetual youth and longevity was expected, but failed in Chinese alchemy (mercury poisoning).
The Buddhism being ascendant in those days had a systematized theory of mind (people’s understanding brings solace), and Taoism enhanced Yin and Yang philosophy to counter it, and it seems to be involved in medical art.
This will become to the characteristic B.

Still probably, the biggest factor was that China was on the Eurasian edge, and was shut from other advanced civilization with the large desert, the mountain range, and the sea for a long time, therefore it seems to cause.

From the next time, I see the medical art of the ancient Greece.





History of sickness and medical art 30 : China 5

病と医術の歴史 30: 中国 5

< 1.  Soldiers of Sanguo Shidai of China >
< 1. 中国、三国時代の軍人 >

This time, I introduce medicament, cure, and Chinese alchemy.


“Shennong Ben Cao Jing” is fatherless, the oldest book about materia medica, and was compiled during Later Han and Sanguo Shidai( the 2nd –3rd century).
This book sums up the knowledge and the treatment of the medicament from Zhanguo ( the 4th century B.C.).

薬 剤


< 2. “Shennong Ben Cao Jing” >
< 2. 神農本草経 >

< 3. Ephedra >
< 3. 麻黄 >

In the book, there are 365 kinds of medicament, it is categorized as 252 plants, 67 animals, and 46 minerals, and majority of the efficacy is obvious.
For example, ephedra is antidiarrheal, seaweed is used to treatment of lump, glycyrrhiza is alexipharmic, and rheum is a laxative.   
The medicament is categorized into 3 groups.
It consist of 120 kinds of medicament having harmless but weak effect for recuperation, 120 kinds of medicament having harmless and effect for recuperation and treatment, and the rest is such as medicament for destroying tumors in the stomach but being harmful.
And it mentions the production area of medicament, the collection season, the processing process, the most suitable type (pill, powder, and it saturated in alcohol), the taking time, and the taking method.

Books about materia medica after the 3rd century were based on this “Shennong Ben Cao Jing”.
In plant medicament, it is well known as a certain kinds of hydrangea is suitable for malaria, ginseng is suitable for recovery of energy, and tetradium ruticarpum is suitable for ascariciding.
Some of the medicaments were from Egypt and India, and Southeast Asia.




Many thinkers and medical scientists preached the regimen, and there were two points of view: "Let’s cultivate life with motion" or "Let’s cultivate life with stillness"
" Hundred Schools of Thought" insisted that we have to be according to nature, and do the care of health about eating and drinking, and have the harmony of mind.
Tua Tuo created the exercises borrowing from five animal postures in Qigong
“ Curing before becoming sickness” had been written in certain medical book.

養 生

< 4. Chinese alchemy? >
< 4. 錬丹術? >

 5. Cinnabar  
< 5.丹砂 > 

Chinese alchemy and immortality
On the other hand, “Shennong Ben Cao Jing” included the knowledge of Taoism (thought of immortal), and showed the early state of Chinese alchemy.
In this book, it was written that mercury already had effect on the treatment of scabies and the insecticide of louse.
Chinese alchemy is to made the medicament for immortality by means of mixing and producing chemically change to metals such as mercury sulfide (cinnabar), gold or leaden.
A certain book of Taoism in the 4th century was the first important book about Chinese alchemy, and the chemical knowledge became abundance.
Chinese associated the elixir of immortality with remarkable changing of mercury from red ore of mercury sulfide (fig. 5) and the non-corrosive attribute of gold.
In ancient China, the people attached importance to living in this mortal world than afterworld.
Therefore, the First Qin Emperor had searched the medicament for immortality, in best days, kings of Tang (the 7-9th century) drank the medicament for immortality made by Chinese alchemy, and the many kings died by poisoning.
Before long, Taoism came to cultivate the immortality not by medicament of immortality but by Qi (spirit) of his body.
On the other hand, the abundant knowledge by Chinese alchemy developed the chemistry and the metallurgy, and then the world's first gunpowder was made in China in the ninth century.



History of sickness and medical art 29 : China 4

病と医術の歴史 29: 中国 4


< 1. Acupuncture >
< 1. 針治療 >

I reopen this serialization after a long absence.
It carries on from “ History of sickness and medical art 26,27,28China 1,2,3 “

「病と医術の歴史 26,27,28: 中国 1,2,3 」の続きです。


< 2.  Tortoiseshell >
< 2. 亀甲 >


Medicine man ascertained the cause of sickness by the fortune-telling using a tortoiseshell, and used three kinds of treatment measure.
1.      The physical measure being friction, fumigation and Acupuncture Moxibustion, etc.
2.      The measure transferring a demon of the disease cause to other.
3.  The measure by incantation, or talisman, etc.
Clause 1 involves the administration of a medicine, and it also is an aim that an internal demon runs away because of pain of the drug.
Clause 2 used the dolls being made of grass.

治 療
一.     摩擦・燻蒸・鍼灸(針灸)などの物理的なもの。
二.     病気原因の悪霊を他の物体に乗り換えさせるもの。
三.     呪文・護符などによるもの。

Doll of straw

< 3. Doll of straw used for a curse in Japan >
< 3. 日本で呪詛のために使われた藁人形 >

When empirical science advanced in medical art, for the diagnosis, there was observation, observation with stethoscope, interview, pulse diagnosis, and palpation was adopted in some cases.
After, the pulse diagnosis was regarded as important, it was done in three places, and it was said that it was able to catch hundreds of characteristics.
Treatment measure was five methods of psychotherapy, dietary cure, drug therapy, whole body therapy, Acupuncture Moxibustion therapy.
Dental therapy was limited to being coated with medicines or drinking.
In the 2nd century B.C., a doctor left the first medical record.
Tua Tuo is a doctor who played an active part in the private sector in the 2nd century A.D. and he did open surgery with using anesthetic.
The anatomy did not develop, because Confucius forbade the profanity of the body.


Tua Tuo is a surgeon

< 4.  Tua Tuo is a surgeon
< 4.外科医、華陀 >

Human body meridians

< 5. "Human body meridians" shows the points that are stabbed with needle >
< 5.経路図は針を刺す位置を示している >

The history of peculiar Acupuncture of China is old, and acute bone for Acupuncture was excavated from remains of 5th millennium B.C.
At first, man broke a pustule with the sharp part of a stone, and emptied pus and blood.
From this treatment reducing swelling, the Acupuncture was developed.
Moxibustion seems to have been developed from the accidental healing experience of burn injury.


The purpose of this therapy is to discharge surplus yin and yang, it is to bring appropriate balance, and then it is said that can flow the outside energy into the body.
In Acupuncture therapy, the curer pricks the skin with a long needle till the constant depth at a certain place.
The curer pricks 365 energy centers along the meridians running on the surface of the body with the needle.
Human body meridians cover the body surface, and have a function to carry active vitality called “ Qi”.
For example, pricking a certain point of the earlobe with a needle treats an abdominal disease.
This therapy is said to be good for every sickness, debilitation, symptom, and, after it came to be used for anesthesia, too.


Moxibustion therapy is a cure to make a blister, by putting moxa (dried leaves of wormwood) on the skin small at energy centers same as the Acupuncture therapy and burning it.
Acupuncture Moxibustion therapy developed, but the development of the surgery is late, and drug treatment drinking as a decoction became central part of medical art.


 Tai chi chuan

< 5.  Tai chi chuan is performed in the morning in Chinese park >
< 5. 太極拳は中国の公園で早朝よく行われている >

In the Christian Era, Anma( Japanese massage) and Tai chi chuan later were born.
In the 11th century, Chinese medical art succeeded in immunity of the smallpox along with India.
It is to pour the dried powder made of a crust of the smallpox into a nostril with using a thin pipe.



History of sickness and medical art 28:  China 3

 medical book “Huangdi Neijing”

1. medical bookHuangdi Neijing”

This time, I look at how people recognized the sickness in those days.


 Restored instruments of acupuncture in “Huangdi Neijing”

 2. Restored instruments of acupuncture in Huangdi Neijing” 

The oldest medical book “Huangdi Neijing”
This Chinese oldest medical book is written in the form that legendary Yellow Emperor discusses with a subject.
It was written in the first century B.C.
This form resembles the pattern that a legendary wizard had a dialogue with a king in " Caraka Sanhita" of India.
It consists of pathology, general remarks of physiology, and clinical medicine including diagnosis, treatment, acupuncture and moxibustion.

People are kept alive by life energy ( Qi ) of nature, and is controlled with the rule of four seasons”
From ancient times, in China (East Asia), people think people being harmonize with nature, and it becomes sickness when balance collapses.




this Classic Taoist Taijitu shows “Yin and Yang” 

< 3.  this Classic Taoist Taijitu shows “Yin and Yang” 

The fundamental theory is in Confucian doctrine” I Ching”.
It is said that people take birth with life energy ( Qi ) of “ Yin and Yang”, and people get sick if the harmony in the body was lost.
Furthermore, it was assumed that the human body is made of wood, fire, soil, gold, and water.
The basic elements of every phenomena and things were assigned to five.
There was 4 body fluid theory in Greece medicine, but there was 5 body fluid theory in China.
Moreover, people recognized that all blood was under rule of the heart, circulated through it continuously, and didn’t stop.


 Meridian of “Huangdi Neijing” 

< 4.   Meridian of “Huangdi Neijing” 

Moreover, there is the 12 principal meridians in body, and life energy ( Qi ) circulates through this course.
It presupposed that health can be maintained by keeping this circulation normal, and the sickness is treated by giving acupuncture and moxibustion.
Moreover, it presupposed the sickness was divided into two, one of it depended on external factor such as wind, chill, dryness, humidity, and other depended on inner factor of joy, pathos, anger, fear, etc.


 Zhang Zhongling 

< 5.  Zhang Zhongling >

The oldest clinical medical book “Shanghan Lun”
This book was written by Zhang Zhongling of good doctor at the end of the Han dynasty, and was a monument that told the birth of experience medicine.
He was called Hippocrates.
In a preface, he wrote his families had died in large quantities in a short term and 70 percent of it was “Shanghan”, and indicated the motive of writing the book.
He systematically explained the treatment of “Shanghan” from the onset of a disease to the death, and medical treatment was explained mainly by medicines only, but the etiology was not explained.



History of sickness and medical art 27:  China 2

 Medical treatment scene of doctor Bian que 

< 1. Medical treatment scene of doctor Bian que >

This time, I look at the change of medicine through the activity of the doctor.


Capital's remain of Yin dynasty 

< 2.  Capital's remain of Yin dynasty >


In the entire world, the medical treatment by fortune telling or prayer was in the mainstream in ancient times.
Similarly, medicine man (witch doctor) was most valued in the royal palace of Yin that occurred in the 16th century B.C.
However, a portent of experience medicine was seen also in Yin dynasty, and, in Western Zhou Dynasty in the 8th-11th century B.C., the tendency further was progressing more.

医 師


Duke of Zhou is a Prime Minster of Yin dynasty and seemed to have written ”Rites of Zhou”

 3.  Duke of Zhou is a Prime Minster of Yin dynasty and seemed to have written ”Rites of Zhou”

According to ”Rites of Zhou” in which the administrative organization of Western Zhou Dynasty is described, there was a medical special department that separated from magic and religion.
It included the disease prevention, the treatment, the management about medicine and medical appliances, and the accountancy.
The ranking of medical person was indicated in that order: the doctor (he collected medicine and superintended inferior doctors), food doctor (he prescribed food and drink), internist, surgeon, and veterinarian.
The doctor had been classified by the results and was obliged to report his failure or his success as the judgment data.
In the middle of next chun qiu Zhan guo shi dai (end of the 8th-3rd century B.C.), the change appeared furthermore.
As we had looked a famous physician of the King of Qin last time, doctors like Bian Que (the 5th century B.C.) came to play an active part among many thinkers (Hundred Schools of Thought) that went around feudal lords of each country.


a relief engraving(hua xiang shi) in the 2nd century A.D. showed Bian Que carrying out acupuncture.

< 4. a relief engraving(hua xiang shi) in the 2nd century A.D. showed Bian Que carrying out acupuncture. >

The bird expresses the doctor, and his name means the magpie of a wise bird.
He visited main five countries of those days.
He was skillful at pulse diagnosis and also was excellent in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, five senses (eye, ear, nose, mouth, and tongue), acupuncture and moxibustion.
He was dealt with in “Records of the Grand Historian”, and it was written that he cured the diseases of from feudal lords till common people of each country.
In his words, there was “there are six cureless sickness", and one of that was " a person believes pythoness and does not believe medical art."
This shows a firm belief in medical art of those days, and it shares similarity with Hippocrates of Greece of the same period.
However, the experience medicine did not replace magic medicine.
In the preceding paragraph story of the famous physician of the King of Qin last time, the King was divined by pythoness as “King was cursed as that king had killed two men by his hand, therefore he must die.”


 “Shennong Ben Cao Jing” is a Chinese book on agriculture and medicinal plants 

< 5.  “Shennong Ben Cao Jing” is a Chinese book on agriculture and medicinal plants >


The sick classification was hardly based on cause of disease, but was based on "proof” of the condition or pulse diagnosis.
Therefore, the ancient name of disease is uncertain.
As for the oldest specialized book of materia medica, there is “Shennong Ben Cao Jing”(the 1st century B.C.).
The disease names being written in this book covered 170 different types including jaundice, malignant tumor, cold, etc.
And it explained each disease of internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and dentistry.

病 気
