Bring peace to the Middle East! 7: A popular book 2

中東に平和を! 7: 人気がある本 2

< 1.  The first President Ataturk of Turkey
< 1.トルコの初代大統領アタチュルク >

I examine again above-referenced book “ What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response”

Disappointing result of this book

The author in this book radically despises the Islamic society of the Middle East.
He introduces poor performances that the administration officials of the past Islamic nations did in the diplomacy or the politics, and so he induces laughter.
Most of Westerner taking pride in advanced society may recognize the Islamic society is stagnation.
However, his book has unfair writing style that you cannot see in normal history book.
For example, as for apprehending the society, he picks up some trifling anecdotes from the Ottoman Empire several hundred years ago, and doesn’t describe it with a holistic approach such as economy, and therefore it becomes emotional.
If modern Japan is evaluated as an underdeveloped country by an anecdote of the Edo Period, can Japanese understand it?



< 2.  Istanbul was a capital of Ottoman Empire >
< 2. オスマン帝国の首都だったイスタンブール >

Let us say that there will be bad political culture that keeps on living in the present day in the Islamic world.
If so, from hopeless Ottoman Empire, why would a republican system of government be born?
Moreover, it had secular politics, separation of power, creation of a constitution, and woman’s suffrage.
And Turkey developed the economy smoothly.

Here, the author says, “ The success was largely due to that Ataturk had had a Western air."
On the other hand, he presses the reason that Arab cannot modernize, because Arab hates westernization, being unlike a Turk.
Such a self-serving argument is seen everywhere.
In other words, he uses any topic for criticism, but completely ignores the result that you should recognize.
However, unfortunately, this book became a bestseller in the United States.

The society that he should curse with is not large Islamic world, but the Middle East then Arab being Israeli enemy.





< 3.  Royal families of Saudi Arabia
< 3. サウジ王家 >

However, his indication about the Middle East is important

A.  Lack of civil society (p166, explanatory notes 1):  It is inclined toward authoritarian monarchy and dictatorial government.
B.           Lack of tolerance (p170):  It punishes severely Islamic law violator.
C.           Backlash against laicism (p159):  It dislikes separation of church and state, and desires to back to the source of Islam.
D.          Backlash against Western Europe (p235):  To hate Western Europe is to shut an only modernization.
E.           Can’t do self-criticism (p252):  It attribute current slump of Arab to the European and American developed country.


A 市民社会の欠如(p166、注釈1): 権威主義的で王制や独裁制に陥り易い。
B 寛容性の欠如(p170): イスラム法違反に厳しく、寛容性を持たない。
C 世俗主義への反発(p159): 政教分離を嫌い、イスラム教の原点回帰を望む。
D 西欧への反発(p235): 西欧を嫌悪することは、唯一の近代化を閉ざす。
E 自己批判が出来ない(p252): 現在のアラブの低迷を欧米先進国のせいにする。

< 4.  Bourkha of Islamic clothes  >
< 4. イスラムの風習ブルカ >

What is on the authorial mind seems following opinion. 
 “ Decaying Arab has held unjust hostile sentiments against Western Europe, and has given birth to terrorism.
We should fight them firmly.”

I will explain about the error of his indication, and the background later.

This continues next time.

Explanatory notes1:  The number is the page of the Japanese edition book with mention of related matters.




注釈1: 関連事項の記載がある日本語版著書のページ。


Cruise of the Mediterranean Sea and Canary Islands 8: Cloud and wind, or sky and sea

< 1.No1 >
View of the rising sun from our ship on the Atlantic on the way to Tenerife island from Casablanca.

This video footage is 20 seconds.

I will introduce various sceneries that we could see only in Cruise from now on.
This theme is “Cloud and wind”, and it is beautiful gift of nature that highlights sky and sea.


< 2.  Map indicating the photo locations >
< 2.写真の撮影地を示す地図 >
The numerical value in the map is it of photos.
The red number indicates the photo that I took on the way to Tenerife island from Genoa.
The white number indicates the photo that I took on the way to Rome from Tenerife island.


< 3.  The upper photo is No.2, the lower it is No.3 >
< 3.上はNo2、下はNo3 >
No.2:  View of the rising sun from our ship on the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Barcelona.
No.3:  At little distance from Barcelona.

No2: バルセロナに向かう地中海上で見た朝陽。
No3: バルセロナの近く。

< 4.  The upper photo is No.4, the lower it is No.5  >
< 4. 上はNo4、下はNo5 >
No.4:  In Barcelona.
No.5:  View from our ship on the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Casablanca from Barcelona.

No4: バルセロナの町中で。
No5: バルセロナからカサブランカに向かう地中海上。

< 5.  The upper photo is No.6, the lower it is No.7  >
< 5.上はNo6,下はNo7 >
No.6 and No.7:  View from our ship on the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Casablanca from Barcelona.
The sea in that day became the swelling wave, and our ship continued rolling all day.
When we went in the Atlantic, our ship often continued rolling, but I didn’t get seasick.
When I walked through the ship, except in the case of my wobbling slightly wasn't problem.

No.7:  A ship like a cargo boat is seen out at sea, but I almost didn’t see a ship on the sea.

No6、No7: バルセロナからカサブランカに向かう途中の地中海上で。

No7: 沖に貨物船らしい船が見えますが、洋上で船に巡り合うことはほとんどなかった。

< 6.  The upper photo is No.8, the lower it is No.9  >
< 6.上はNo8,下はNo9 >
No.8:  Hassan II mosque in Casablanca before noon.
It mists with the sea breeze.

No.9:  The big wave from the Atlantic is lapping the shore of Casablanca in the afternoon.

No8: カサブランカのハッサン2世モスク、昼前。

No9: カサブランカの海岸に打寄せる大西洋の大きな波、午後。

<  7.  The upper photo is No.10, the lower it is No.11 >
<  7.上はNo10,下はNo11 >
No.10:  View from our ship on the Atlantic on the way to Tenerife island from Casablanca in the afternoon.
No.11:  At little distance from Tenerife island in the morning.
We can see two vanishing ships like a ferry that seems to connect with remote islands.
I could not see fishing boat on the sea.

No10: カサブランカからテネリフェ島に向かう途中の大西洋上、午後。
No11: テネリフェ島の近く、朝。

< 8.  No.12 >
< 8.No12 >

The snow and sea of clouds of Mount Teide in Tenerife island in the afternoon.

< 9.  The upper photo is No.13, the lower it is No.14 >
< 9.上はNo13,下はNo14 >

It was immediately after departing from Tenerife island in the early evening.
This weather turned bad suddenly when visiting at this port in morning and departing from it in an evening.


< 10.  The upper photo is No.15, the lower it is No.16 >
< 10.上はNo15,下はNo16 >
No.15:  Madeira island in the afternoon.
No.16:  It was immediately after departing from Malaga port at noon.

No15: マディラ島、昼。
No16: スペインのマラガ港を出航直後、午後。

A part of reasons why I chose this cruise tour was that I wanted to see the stormy Mediterranean Sea of winter, and also see the Canary Islands that was involved with a beginning of the Age of Discovery.
My wish was fulfilled.

This continues next time.





Bring peace to the Middle East! 6: A popular book 1

中東に平和を! 6: 人気がある本 1

< 1.  The book >
< 1. 本  >

Today, I introduce a popular book,” What Went Wrong?  Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response”


Summary of this book

The author is Bernard Lewis, and he is an authority in the history study of the Middle East in the U.S.A.
The following summary of this book is a quote from a comment of the translation supervisor, Akira Usuki.

“ In the first place, Islamic world had an advanced civilization, and actually, was superior to the politics, economy, military and culture of the Christendom of Europe.
However, the Muslim have been satisfied with the world of their self-centeredness, ignored the modernization such as the technology development that Europe accomplished, and have delayed.
Coming into the 19th century, Islamic world experienced the colonization by the European Great Powers.

In the result, Muslim did not change oneself, and directed their ire toward the European colonialism first.
And next, they do it toward the United States after the World War II.
The author says that they haven't made effort to reorganize oneself. ”



< 2.  A street corner of Arab >
< 2. アラブの街角 >

Something that existed in the background of this book

The book became a bestseller of the consecutive top for 15 weeks in the New York Times in 2002.
When I saw the current evaluation for this book in English version of Amazon.com, it was 3.5, and the number of the reviews was 190.
It is still strongly popular.

This book is easy to read because it is a jumble of several lectures, but lacks coherence.
However, some fanatics will be encouraged by his encyclopedic knowledge and straightforward explanation.
This is the best book for certain people.



< 3.  September 11 attacks and neo-conservatives  >
< 3. 同時多発テロとネオコン >

Upon receiving the news of ”the September 11 attacks in 2001", the advice from the author about the Middle Eastern policy was very appreciated by Vice President Cheney.
He was an instructor of the neo-conservatives (neo-con) of the Bush administration in those days.
When the fighting spirit became heated in the United States and the United States began to invade Afghan, and next would do Iraq, this book was just published.

He seemed to have converted to an adviser of the Middle Eastern policy from a historian since about 1980s.
In these days, Israel had won the Arab–Israeli conflict, invaded Lebanon, massacred refugees in it, and made PLO weaken.
But Israel came to receive criticism strongly from the world and Arab.
He was a Jewish family.



< 4.  Palestine Liberation Organization >
< 4. PLO >

My impression

I strongly felt prejudice and searing commentary that we have never seen in books written by well-known historian, especially because the author used the one-sided exposition.
However, on the other hand, his indication about the Arab world includes some things that I cannot ignore.
I strongly thought that I must write this serialization when I read this book.

On the next time, I examine the main point about his indication.




Cruise of the Mediterranean Sea and Canary Islands 7: Genoa 2

地中海とカナリヤ諸島クルーズ 7: ジェノバ 2

< 1.  We were a departure from this port just before sunset >
< 1.日没前に出港 >

I introduce the boarding our cruise ship and the departure from this port today.

< 2.  Genoa Port, by Google Earth >
< 2. ジェノバ港、グーグル・アースより >

The blue frame shows a terminal of MSC Cruises and a Cruise ship.
The red frame shows the area where we went sightseeing today, and it was surrounded by a castle wall in the Middle Ages. 


< 3.  Finally, we board to our cruise ship >
< 3. いよいよクルーズ船に乗船 >
Central photo:  The old-looking terminal building of MSC Cruises is seen on the left.
Lower photo:  Our Cruise ship.

真中の写真: MSCクルーズの古風なターミナルビルが左手に見えた。
下の写真: これから乗船する船です。

< 4.  Our boarding procedure in the terminal building >
< 4. MSCのターミナルで乗船手続き >
Upper photo:  In the first floor at about 13:00.
We deposit our suitcases here, and these are carried to our room before the evening.

Central photo:  A procedure counter is seen in the backside of the 2nd floor.
There is a sales store of the convenient drink packages before going to the counter.
But, it is not necessary to purchase it hastily here.
Later, we can purchase it in buffet-style restaurant.

Lower photo:  We do the boarding procedure on this counter.
We had to wait in line for a long time, because the most of the passenger should go on board here.
We get the cruise card in exchange for our passport respectively at this counter.
The processing was early.

Our payment in the ship is possible all with this card.
This card serves as our identification and the room key.
The restaurant and table where I have to go for meals is appointed in the card.

上の写真: 13:00頃、1階。

真中の写真: 2階の奥に手続きカウンターが見えます。

下の写真: このカウンターで乗船手続きを行います。


< 5.  Let’s board it!
< 5.さあ乗船! >
Upper photo:  I go across a bridge, and board this huge ship.
Here, I went through a security check, and my card immediately was necessary.

Central photo:  I put our baggage in my room, and went a buffet-style restaurant for a late lunch after 15:00.

Lower photo:  For the emergency drill, we bring a life jacket of our room and have to go to appointed room in time that a broadcast has appointed.
The room for the emergency drill is different in each room, and there is mention at the door of our room.
If you show your card, a person in front of all elevators can tell you where to go.

上の写真: いよいよブリッジを渡り巨大な船に乗船します。

真中の写真: 部屋に手荷物を置き、15:00過ぎに遅い昼食をブュッフェでとりました。

下の写真: 避難訓練の時間が放送されますので、部屋の救命胴衣を持参して向かいます。

< 6.  Introduction of our cruise ship 1 >
< 6.クルーズ船の紹介 1 >

This time, we get on a ship, Fantasia.
It is 333 m in total length, has 14 floors only on the deck for the passenger, and the passenger surpasses 3,000 people.
My first impression is clean, big, and new.


Our room was a cabin with balcony in the twelfth-floor.
Cabins of this ship are 11 kinds, and the dimensions of each cabin are further different.
The first impression is open and comfortable room.
I was slightly uneasy due to only using shower, but came to think that it is usefully soon.


< 7.  Introduction of our cruise ship 2 >
< 7.クルーズ船の紹介 2 >

This shows standard equipment for passenger of the ship that this MSC Cruises have.
This ship had everything, but I thought that I cannot enjoy it all due to too spacious.


< 8.  Views of Genoa from the cruise ship >
< 8.クルーズ船からジェノバを見る >
Upper photo:  The cityscape to the right side from the center is the place that we went sightseeing today.

上の写真: 中央から右手の町並みが、今日、観光した場所です。

This video footage is 15 seconds.

< 9.  We are departure from Genoa soon >
< 9.いよいよ出港 >

The departure was 17 o’clock, and many passengers regretted at parting.
Before long, I noticed that we had been surrounded by many foreign passengers.


< 10.  Departure >
< 10. 出港! >

This video footage is 18 seconds.

We part from Genoa, go to Barcelona tomorrow, and we are departure to long cruise coming back to Italy, Rome ten days later.
I introduce the details of the cruise ship later.
This continues next time.





Cruise of the Mediterranean Sea and Canary Islands 6: Genoa 1


< 1. Piazza De Ferrari >
< 1.フェッラーリ広場 >

I introduce Genoa.
There was the remnant which Genoa played an active part as a Maritime nation in those days.
After this sightseeing, we got on a Cruise ship and departed from this port in the early evening.


< 2.  Maps of Genoa >
< 2. ジェノバの地図 >
The upper part of two maps shows the north.

Upper photo:  A yellow line shows the route from Milan, and a blue line does the sea route of our Cruise ship.
A red frame shows the range of the lower map.

Lower map:  The red line shows our sightseeing route by foot, and we started in S and finished at F.
The distance on foot is approximately 1.5km.
The sightseeing took approximately one hour from 11:30, on March 3, 2016.


上の地図: 黄線がミラノから来たルート、青線がクルーズ船の出港を示す。

下の地図: 赤線が徒歩ルートで、Sから始めてFで終わりました。

< 3.  A house of Columbus >
< 3. コロンブスの家 >

Upper photo:  We just arrived at Genoa by bus.
Central photo:  A house of Columbus.  
This building was restored on the remains of his birthplace.

上の写真: バスでジェノバに到着。
真中の写真: コロンブスの家。これは生家跡の上に復元されたものです。
下の写真: 12世紀の教会の回廊を復元したもの。

< 4.  Gate of the Middle Ages, “Porta Soprana” >
< 4.中世の門「Porta Soprana」 >

Upper photo:  The obverse and reverse sides of the gate.
There was the castle wall that surrounded the mountainside of Genoa, and a gate at here once.
This gate was again restored as thing made between the 9th century and the 12th century.

Lower photo:  We passed through the gate and went to Piazza De Ferrari.
The dome roof of a cathedral was seen over there.

上の写真: 城門の表と裏。

下の写真: 門を抜けて、フェッラーリ広場に向かう。

< 5.  Piazza De Ferrari >
< 5.フェッラーリ広場 >

Upper photo:  The center is a securities exchange.
Central photo:  The center is an art academy and art museum.
Lower photo:  The right is an opera house.

This open space is the center of Genoa and also is the center of finance and business.

A video footage of Piazza De Ferrari is 13 seconds.

上の写真: 中央が証券取引所。
真中の写真: 中央が美術学校と美術館。
下の写真: 右がオペラハウス。



< 6.  Via Garibaldi >
< 6.ガリバルディ通り >
This street and palaces “Palazzo” is World Heritage Sites.
The decoration of these fronts was excellent, but when we entered it, I was amazed.

In the 16th century, Genoa gave up a declining Mediterranean trade, and financed Spain progressing to the Age of Discovery, and then Genoa accomplished revival.
In the times of the prosperity, the merchants provided their homes as the guesthouse that they invite noble people in.
These guesthouses have lined this street.



< 7.  One of the guesthouses, “Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi” 1 >
< 7.迎賓館の一つ「Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi」1 >

Upper photo:  Going up the stairs.
Lower photo:  Overlooking the first floor from the upper part of stairs.

This is used as the chamber of commerce now.

上の写真: 階段を上って2階に。
下の写真: 階段の上部から1階を見下ろす。


< 8.  “Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi” 2 >
< 8.「Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi」2 >
Upper photo:  The first-floor ceiling.
Lower photo:  The second floor.

上の写真: 1階の天井。
下の写真: 2階。

< 9. “Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi” 3
< 9.「Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi」3 >
Upper photo:  Rooms around a courtyard.
Lower photo:  A conference room. 
It was redecorated by rococo style with many gold in the 18th century.
When I looked at it, I just remembered the impression of a time I saw the Pilgrimage Church of Wies in Germany.

上の写真: 中庭を囲む部屋。
下の写真: 会議室。

< 10.  “Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi” 4 >
< 10.「Palazzo Carrega-Cataldi」4  >
The expansion of the conference room. 

< 11. Other palaces >
< 11. 他の宮殿 >
Central photo:  Entrance hall of one of the palaces, “Palazzo Podestà”.
Lower photo:  The courtyard is right behind the entrance hall.

A video footage of Via Garibaldi is 13 seconds.

On the next time, I introduce the boarding a Cruise ship and the departure from this port.

真中の写真: 宮殿の一つ「Palazzo Podestà」の玄関ホール。
下の写真: 「Palazzo Podestà」の玄関ホールを抜けた先にある中庭。

