Showing posts with label anthropology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anthropology. Show all posts


History of sickness and medical art 7 : in preliterate society 4

A Mask dancing of Dogon( agricultural tribes) in the Middle West Africa 

A Mask dancing of Dogon( agricultural tribes) in the Middle West Africa  >

An etiology: Recognition of the world

Although native’s recognition about the sickness and the medical art is unscientific and superstitious, the base of it is a thinking that gives on to modern society.
First, they have caught logically the principle of cause and effect about the sickness in their own way.
For example, they thought that a swelling of hand and foot originated in an abnormality of the internal organs, or when a sickness prevailed in a village, it was carried with insect or the wind, or an epilepsy began from temporary cutting of a brain.
Although they did not need explanation beyond it, and could not make the exact medical treatment, they always have tried a certain understanding and explanation for it.
They think that most of mental diseases depend on the supernatural causes (evil spirit).

In order for people to advocate a general etiology with physical element (body fluid and blood, etc.), we had to wait for the city civilization birth.
Medicinal herb use and magic of medical treatment was still the main thing.

Her diseased part is purifying with leaves in Mexico. 

< Her diseased part is purifying with leaves in Mexico. >



Medical treatment and magic:  Animism
To think that the magic and the evil spirits are causes of the disease are that they are thinking with separating the soul from the body, and moreover assume that the natural world have human nature.
Possibly you might have thought, "While clouds come out and it is raining, the sun is escaping to want not to get wet to rain."

Bushman living in Kalahari Desert may cure a poor bag of hunting.
First, the root of certain plant and the hoof of certain game animal are burned, and it becomes powder.
Subsequently, the droppings of the animal are mixed with it and it becomes a mash.
Several body surfaces of a hunter are injured with a razor, and the powder is rubbed in.
I guess that this is a courtesy to control misfortune by the indirect contact to the object, and the dirty things (impurity).
Thus, all medical treatment and the courtesy will develop from abundant experiences and the analogy.


< Bushman >

治療と呪術 : アニミズム


a dancing to cure

< a dancing to cure >

Magic, science, and religion
The anatomy of the animal might deepen understanding to the physiology and the sickness.
Therefore pastoral people would be able to escape easily from a conception of magic more than agricultural people.
This may be one reason that pastoral people have little mask culture (where the magic is thought as important in).
I think that this had made a difference of scientific development, along with the growth of the city civilization.
Moreover, by ethnic group, the ultimate responsibility contracting a disease included a difference in whether it was caused by self or outside.
These might have given a big influence on religion that was born in ancient civilization.



History of sickness and medical art 4: in preliterate society 2

 sweat lodge, a steam room of North American First Nations

 sweat lodge, a steam room of North American First Nations >

We look at how shaman treats some medical arts.

Medical art of the easy illness
As for an injury or a stomachache, people do not request shaman.
In the case of a stomachache, Tasmania indigenous people bite and drink some asteracea plant.
In the case of constipation, Pygmy people in Africa give liquid medicine into his body through a hollow stem of vine for an enema.
Each indigenous people use many medicinal herbs.
If injured, a surgical operation will also be performed, and a medicinal herb with a hemostatic effect is used.
American Indians give man the melted fat, when he is deficient in meat, before becoming atrocious or man-eating fantasy
A steam room is used for medical treatment in northern Eurasia and the North American Continent.



in Malaysia, a shaman is treating a medical art

< in Malaysia, a shaman is treating a medical art

Treatment to depend on shaman

An illness wasn't cured by easy method, and his physical strength declined gradually and he became thin.
In this instance, the people considered the evil spirit and magic to be the cause of it.
Shaman gives a patient the diagnosis and the treatment.
Diagnosis is to find a supernatural cause of a disease.
Was a soul of the patient pulled out? Someone who bore him a grudge shot a kiss of death to his body?
He clarifies the taboo and the crime that the patient perpetrated, and the spirit that brings an evil.
He identifies the cause by hearing an oracle in a possessed state, by interview, or by a fortune telling.

患者の魂が抜き取られたのか? 恨みを抱く者が呪って災いの種を身体に射込んだのか?

 in Borneo island, people dance throughout the night, and a shaman removes a soul from her head or puts in it. 

< in Borneo island, people dance throughout the night, and a shaman removes a soul from her head or puts in it. >

The disposal is whether a soul is returned or an evil spirit is driven out or a risked place is removed.
Many methods are performed with a ceremony, mystic words, and the fetish.
Occasionally, people will continue to dance and to cry several days, and send away evil spirit or calm down an angry spirit.
Holding up a rat near patient’s head of headache, the shaman of Andes moves evil thing from the head to the rat, kills it, and finds out evil part by fortune telling of internal organs of the rat.
The act of shaman that takes out diseased internal organs only with fingers from outside of patient’s body is widely seen, too.
For the cause of disease, they may suck out directly and may use a phlebotomy, a smoking process, and a steam room.
A lot of medicinal herbs are employed with mystic words, giving the droppings of an animal for driving out an evil spirit is also seen all over the world.


a shaman sells several medical herb in Peru 

< a shaman sells several medical herb in Peru >

Shaman has full knowledge of cultivation, extraction, process, and effect of medicinal herb, and properly uses it to alleviation of fever, painkilling, urination, purgative, etc. 
Especially, when a ceremony was held, the hallucinogen was necessary for not only shaman but also families other than the patient.

Next time, I look at the life of pastoral tribe of Kenya.




History of sickness and medical art 4: in preliterate society

a shaman of Orochon in Northeast Asia 

< a shaman of Orochon in Northeast Asia >

We watch sickness and medicine of the preliterate society several times from now on.
From their simple life, the consciousness of the sickness which not to be affected by the civilization is seen.
This is helpful for understanding the medicine of ancient civilization.

The indigenous people of a remote place had been living like refusing civilization.
Many of them escaped the conqueror, or wanted the new world, and stayed at the remote place.
They did not necessarily preserve the primordial society that traced back to 10,000 years before.



Nomad of the south Sudan

< Nomad of the south Sudan    >

The sickness
How are the indigenous people in the world looking at the sickness?
Many people distinguished the ordinary sickness (cold, fatigue) and the sickness which an evil spirit caused, and requested a medicine man in the latter case.
They thought that spirits and devils, magic and black art caused the sickness.
When anybody was cursed, the people believed that it caused the sickness and death, even if it was a great distance, or when a foreign matter (animal) invaded the body too.
There are good and evil spirits, and if they offend a spirit, it will become an evil spirit.
The dead became the spirit and loitered around, and people feared to be possessed by an evil spirit.


American Indian

< American Indian    

The correspondence to a sick person changed by various ethnic groups.
In the American Indian, he was treated kindly.
Furthermore one who recovered serious sickness was revered as the owner of unusual power.
By an ethnic group, a disability person was murdered, and when the starvation visited their area, a suicide and a desertion were performed.
The madman (mental patient) was thought that an evil spirit clungs to person, and he was kept away, and was maltreated or was murdered.
The psychotic behavior was considered to have shaman's qualification in Eskimos etc.


a mask of medicine man in Congo, this mask have a purpose of threatening an evil spirit.

< a mask of medicine man in Congo, this mask have a purpose of threatening an evil spirit. 

Medicine man
Medicine man is shaman.
His main role prevented a disaster such as bad crops by a prayer and was to decide a schedule of the village by divination.
It is said that he had the ability that can communicate with spirits.
He be respected in a village, but may be murdered if he fail.
If a tribe is big, the specialty in charge was divided among the accident, and the sickness etc.
One using medicinal herb take part ordinary sickness, and he pray still at using medicinal herb.

Continue to the next time.

呪 医    



Birth of primitive art :  A table of contents and abstract

I show the list of a series " Birth of primitive art “.

please look at  page of “ Birth of primitive art “.









Birth of primitive art 15 : What did precede the primitive art ? part1

  Blombos Cave in South Africa

< Blombos Cave in South Africa. A cave entrance is right-hand mountain side.  modern human beings lived 100,000 years ago. 

Till last time, we looked at the primitive fine arts since 35000 years ago in the world.
Didn't human beings make fine arts during 5 million?
This time, I will approach this mystery.




The oldest figure 

< The oldest figure >
Fig. A, the figure was found in Israel, was made of a red stone between 700000 and 230000 years ago, and was 4 cm in height.

Fig. B, the figure was found in Morocco, was made of a quartz between 500000 and 300000 years ago, and was 6 cm in height. 
Red ocher had adhered to the surface.
Both are considered that primitive man made.

Ages ago, primitive man on the way of evolution was performing fine arts creation.



The oldest painting in Africa 

< The oldest painting in Africa >
This painting found at the Apollo 11 cave in Namibia is estimated to date from approximately 25,000–27,000 years ago. It is an animal figure drawn on the slate.

At the south end of Africa, the creation was performed nearly in parallel to the Europe glacial epoch fine arts.



something like fine arts  

< something like fine arts  >
Fig. A are the oldest bead made of many shells between 140000 and 100000 years ago, and were found in the cave in Israel.

Fig. B is an ocher found at Blombos Cave in South Africa. On its surface was the straight line pattern engraved, and it was made 75000 years ago.
In the cave where modern human beings were living, 8000 pieces and 12 sharpened crayons of ocher were found.
There were also brown and yellow colors of ocher, but the red was the most.
Ocher with the oldest used marks was found in Zambia in Africa, and was thing of 250,000 years ago.
Fig. C is a plate was found at Neanderthal ruins in Hungary, it was made of ivory at 250000 years ago. Red ocher had adhered to the surface.
It is considered that people was using at the ceremony over a long period of time.

What does the appearance of the bead, the plate, and the ocher mean?
This is concerned with "what is fine art?" deeply

The answer will be concerned with the relation of red color of ocher and human beings.




Burial and red color

< Burial and red color >

Fig.A is two small children's burial at 27000 years ago in Austria. Many red ochers was scattered there.   
In burial of Cro-Magnon after 37000 years ago, accessories attached to the dead and ocher was scattered on it.
Although Neanderthal was burying after 70,000 years ago, the dead that was painted with red pigments is seen in various area of Europe.
Ocher was used also with many pictures in every area of the earth.
Fig.B is the inner room of an ancient tomb in Japan at 5th century, and it is also painted in red.
This red was made from mercury and sulfur.

Since time began, the red color had an important meaning in every corner of the earth.

Next time, I want to explain this meaning.






Birth of primitive art 14 : People who made first fine arts 3

Rock-Art、Four hunters and a leader、south-eastern Spain、8000 years ago 

< Rock-ArtFour hunters and a leadersouth-eastern Spain8000 years ago >

This time, the change that occurred in Cro-Magnons heart is evident from the burial and the fine arts.

I examine the thing that the change brought, and also the cause.

Last time, although we looked at the influence of their settlement, it is more important that rich contacts increased into the family or the group.
Influence good for child rearing must have come out first.
When they gathered together, they probably enjoyed a long talk like present-day hunter-gatherers.
This probably grew their intelligence, language, and their culture.
Probably, this is one of the reasons in which Neanderthal who used fire and had language functions (cerebral language field and throat structure) lost battles with Cro-Magnon.




reconstruction of a burial, a ruins in Russia, 28000~20000 years ago

< reconstruction of a burial, a ruins in Russia, 28000~20000 years ago, by Don's Maps 

What happened to Cro-Magnons family?

A 13-year-old boy lies on the left of the figure, and an 8-year-old girl lies on the right.
They dressed with protections against the cold from head to tip of foot entirely.
Splendid spears made of ivory and the necklace of beads, etc. were added in large quantities.

This burial clarifies the difference between Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon.

Although Neanderthal also buried one person, they didn't bury small child or more than one person.
Cro-Magnon performed a burial of mother and child for the first time in the cave in Israel at 90,000 years ago.
After that, the burial examples such as two small children and three adults increased in Eurasia from 40,000 years ago.
They began to be strongly conscious of the bonds of mother and child, a family, and a group.
Probably, respecting for maternity added on prayer of fertility, and it led to Venus statue and next mother goddess worship.





Originally, because hunter-gatherers have several problems in life with a lot of people, they dispersed easily. Similarly, they are hesitant to settle down.
Something that controls this minus feeling and advances must have happened in their heart.
Although advanced technology and intelligence were indispensable to adaptation to arctic cold, unless the bonds of family or group arose strongly, the epoch would not have happen.

But, gradually woman and magician are expressed carefully, and group behavior such as the hunting that was shown a prefatory picture came to be drawn in the last stage.
Furthermore, mother and child and the women who danced were also drawn.
On the other hand, drawing carefully game animals decreased.



Brain of modern humans, a red maker is group of neurons A10(VTA)

< Brain of modern humans, a red mark is group of neurons A10VTA)、by CMAJ >

What happened to Cro-Magnons brain?

Neurotransmitter dopamine is widely secreted from A10 for a long time in large quantities, especially to the frontal lobe.
Although neurotransmitters are tens of kinds, a dopamine is called a pleasure substance, and have a role to maintain a feeling of happiness and romantic feeling strongly.
A10 is like the big faucet that only human beings have.

The frontal lobe takes the central role on planning, conforming to a social norm, controlling feelings, and the consciousness is in it.
When dopamine is secreted into it, people continue to have strong motivation.
In this way, the epoch happened, didn’t it?

The background in which primitive fine arts arose in Europe was the interaction of global environment and human-beings evolution, and the interaction of their intelligence and the settlement in a group.
Furthermore the brain and the gene were deeply concerned with it.

Next time, we will look at some mystery of primitive fine arts.




