クロアチア・スロベニアを巡って 18: ドゥブロブニクの不思議 4
< 1. Dubrovnik >
< 1. ドゥブロブニク >
I see how Dubrovnik
coped with the situation change, and what happened in Europe.
This is my last entry
in the theme.
< 2. Neum of dusk >
< 2. 夕暮れのネウム >
Skillful diplomacy of Dubrovnik
Hungary kept a patron of Dubrovnik in
place of Venice from 1359 until it suffered a crushing defeat by the Ottoman
Empire in 1526.
However, Dubrovnik
continued to reject the dispatch of governor from Hungary, and started to pay
tributes to the Ottoman Empire in 1458.
Because of this, Dubrovnik
was allowed for the commercial activity in Balkan and other conquest places,
became a counterbalancing power against Venice, and was at the height of the
prosperity in the 15-16th century.
Furthermore, in 1699, it devolved
territory Neum (photo 2) to the Ottoman Empire and assumed it a shield to the
Venice navy.
Small town Neum of a shore belongs to a
territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina currently, and has made Dubrovnik the
enclave of Croatia.
Here was our accommodation,
and I introduce it later.
< 3. The Mediterranean
Sea >
< 3.地中海 >
1: Dubrovnik 2:
Venice 3: Genoa 4: Constantinople(Istanbul) 5: Alexandria 6: Lisbon 7: Ceuta
8: Athen 9: Rome 10: Jerusalem.
1: ドゥブロブニク 2:ベネチア 3: ジェノバ 4: コンスタンティノープル(イスタンブール) 5: アレキサンドリア 6: リスボン 7: セウタ 8: アテネ 9: ローマ 10:エルサレム
What decided the
outcome of Genoa and Venice?
The two countries
continued the East-West trade through Ethiopia of Christianity country and
Egypt of the Islamic power (annotation 1).
However, this decrepit
Islamic dynasty practiced the monopolization of spice in 1428, and the price
jumped up.
The purchase price from
Egypt increased to approximately 1.5 times than before, and became 16 times in
comparison with the direct purchase from India.
On the other hand, Genoa
defeated by Venice found its way into the Atlantic Ocean, and joined with Portugal.
Portugal that had accomplished
Reconquista (annotation 2) captured Ceuta of the opposite shore in 1415, and
aspired to trade with India around the west side of Africa.
At last, it became
possible by Vasco da Gama's expedition in 1498
In the early 16th century, most of the
spice did not arrive at Egypt from India.
Thus, Venice that had
been proud of its prosperity by the monopoly fell rapidly.
Spain participated in it
and since the Age of Geographical Discovery began, Genoa survived by banking
< 4. Renaissance
fine art. By “Web gallery of art” >
< 4.ルネサンス美術。「Web gallery of art」より >
Two shocks of Europe
One of them is the beginning of the Age
of Geographical Discovery, as we have seen already.
The other one is the
beginning of Renaissance.
Greek classical study
flowed out to Italy from the declined Byzantine Empire, and Renaissance
flowered in Italy by combining with cities that prospered in trade
The Greek classical
study was popular from ancient times in Byzantium, and was also spreading to
Islamic world.
Knowledge of Islamic world and the Greek
classical study were introduced to Europe via Spain already.
After this, European development shifted
to the west and north of it along with the Age of Geographical Discovery, and
Italy became an economical undeveloped area in the middle of the 17th century.
Three maritime republics
of the Mediterranean Sea died out by the armed forces and cannon of Napoleon
before long.
< 5. Torre de Belen in
Lisbon >
< 5. リスボンのベレンの塔 >
Thing that I think about this history
Venice made the Byzantine Empire weak by
the sea power, and got full prosperity, but it hastened the expansion of the
Ottoman Empire and came to cut its throat.
Genoa was defeated by
Venice, found its way into the west, and got good luck.
Small Dubrovnik didn't
depend on the sea power, and crossed between great nations by the trade and the
I think to be because
this city had tolerance that absorbs different ethnic groups and heathenism
since the beginning.
In the world, there are
many examples that small countries fight desperately between great nations,
such as Israel, Korean Peninsula and Vietnam.
But the success example
of Dubrovnik was rare.
I introduce
sightseeing spots from the next time again.
Annotation 1: The
Ottoman Empire of Islam isn't
included in the Islamic power.
Annotation 2: Reconquista was the continued war that Christian
expelled Islamic power that invaded since 711 year from Iberian Peninsula.
The war began at 722, Portugal completed
it by 1290, and Spain did it in 1492 by falling Granada.
Through this process, both Portugal and
Spain kingdoms were formed.
注釈1: ここではイスラム教のオスマンをイスラム勢力に含めていない。
注釈2: レコンキスタは、キリスト教徒が、711年イベリア半島に侵入したイスラム勢力を駆逐するために行なった国土回復運動です。
「東西文明の交流 3、イスラム帝国の遺産」島田襄平編集、平凡社刊。P199,215,217.
「東西文明の交流 2、ペルシアと唐」山田信夫編集、平凡社刊。P395,427.
「図説 世界の歴史4、ビザンツ帝国とイスラーム文明」J.M.ロバーツ著、創元社刊。P105,109,185.
「世界の歴史 8、イスラーム世界の興隆」佐藤次高著、中央公論刊。P277,313,331,341.
「世界の歴史 11、ビザンツとスラブ」井上浩一著、中央公論刊。P19,157,163,185,201.
「世界の歴史 16、ルネサンスと地中海」樺山紘一著、中央公論刊。P79,p115.
「歴史入門」 フェルナン・ブローデル著、太田出版。P49.
「図説 大航海時代」増田義郎著、河出書房新社刊。P49.
「知の再発見 黄金のビザンティン帝国」ミシェル・カプラン著、創元社。
「図説 ビザンツ帝国」根津由喜夫著、河出書房新社刊。P70.