Showing posts with label Series:Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Series:Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula. Show all posts


Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula 6: Daijyo-ji temple and Maruyama Ōkyo 1

但馬海岸から丹後半島を巡って 6: 大乗寺と円山応挙 1

< 1.  a temple gate of Daijyo-ji >
< 1. 大乗寺の山門 >

Today, I introduce the temple being on the way to the mountain from Kasumi Port in Hyogo.
There were amazing things in the seemingly ordinary temple.
Many pictures of Maruyama Ōkyo and the pupils were breathing there.
I introduce them several times from now on.


About Daijyo-ji temple

This is a temple of the Shingon sect of Buddhism, and it is said that priest Gyogi founded it in the 8th century.
Afterwards, it became extinct, but a chief priest of it achieved the restoration in the end of 18th century of the latter half of the Edo era.
When this chief priest visited Kyoto, he knew the talent of Maruyama Ōkyo, and gave him much money.  
After Maruyama Ōkyo became successful as an artist, he provided many pictures to this temple with 12 pupils to show its gratitude.
In this temple, there are more than one hundred of pictures and carvings, and the main works are still used in each room now.
So this temple is called Ōkyo temple.


< 2.  a main gate and the stone wall
< 2.山門と石垣 >

< 3.  the entrance and an Ōkyo statue >
< 3.玄関の応挙像 >
Upper photo:  if I passed through the main gate, I saw the excellent entrance hall that an Ōkyo statue was set in the center of.
Essentially, visitor enters the reception hall from this entrance hall, and opens the back shoji and enters a waiting room.
Tourist enters from kitchen of the right hand and pays the admission 800 yen.
And the tourist looks around many paintings of fusuma (sliding door), folding-screen paintings, and fretworks of ranma (transom) in the reception hall along with receiving explanation.

上の写真: 山門をくぐると立派な玄関が見え、その中央に応挙像があります。

< 4.  the reception hall and a masterpiece of Ōkyo >
< 4.客殿と応挙の代表作 >
Upper photo:  the kitchen side of the reception hall.
This building is more than 200 years old.

Lower picture:  this is a national treasure, the half of folding-screen paintings that Ōkyo described pine trees covered with snow, and other museum has this.

上の写真: 客殿の庫裡側。

下の絵: 国宝「雪松図屏風」の半分で、三井記念美術館蔵です。

< 5.  views of the main gate from in front of the reception hall  >
< 5. 客殿の前から山門側を見る >

< 6.  main buildings >
< 6. 主要な建築物 >
Upper photo:  the reception hall.
Lower photo:  The right hand is Kannon-do hall and the left hand is Yakushi-do hall.

上の写真: 客殿。
下の写真: 右手が観音堂で左側が薬師堂。

< 7.  views from in front of the Kannon-do hall >
< 7.観音堂から客殿を見る >
Upper photo:  there is a garden between the reception hall and the left mountain, but I couldn't see it.
Lower photo:  Water just spouts out of the top point of a globular stone in the center of the stone washbasin.
The water flowing from the mountain gushed out of it intermittently, but I don’t understand the mechanism.

I introduce paintings of Ōkyo next time.

上の写真: 客殿と左の山の間に庭があるが、見学は出来ない。
下の写真: この手水鉢の中央にある宝珠の先から勢いよく水が飛び出している。



Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula 5: went along Tajima shore

但馬海岸から丹後半島を巡って 5: 但馬海岸を行く


Today, I introduce the scenery from Yumura Onsen to the estuary of Maruyama River.
We saw fisherman villages and beaches while we drove through mountain villages and drove along Tajima shore. 


< 2. sightseeing map >
< 2. 観光地図 >

Two red markings show Yumura Onsen and Hamasaka Port that I already introduced.
A-F in the map is mainly spots that I took a picture.


< 3.  a shrine by a mountain village, A of the map >
< 3. 金屋と熊野神社、地図番号A >

On the way to Hamasaka port from Yumura Onsen, there was original scenery of Japan.
The shrine was in the deep forest by a small village.


< 4.  Amarube, B of map >
< 4. あまるべ、地図番号B >

Formerly, the railroad bridging of the right hand was famous for beautiful iron bridge, but it was reshaped since a train fall accident of 30 years ago.


< 5.  Kasumi, C of map >
< 5. 香住、地図番号C >

This port town was crowded with crabbing in winter, but was empty at this time.
We had lunch in tribute to crab here.
The sky began to cloud over suddenly.


< 6.  spots near to Kasumi port >
< 6. 香住港の近く >

Two lower photos, D of map:  a bathing beach.
下2枚の写真、地図番号D: 佐津海水浴場。

< 7.  neighborhoods of Takeno beach >
< 7. 竹野浜付近 >
Lower photo, E of map:  Takeno bathing beach.
下の写真、地図番号E: 竹野浜海水浴場。

In the summer about 30 years ago, I came here for sea bathing with my family well.
And I came to Kannabe Kogen of this mountainside for skiing in winter.
I brought back pleasant memories.


< 8.  neighborhoods of the estuary of Maruyama River
< 8. 円山川の河口付近を望む >

Upper photo, F of map:  the shoreline of Tango Peninsula extends in the back.

Now this sea is calm, but this Sea of Japan becomes stormy in winter.
Thereby, this shoreline becomes rugged, and this sea near to the deep mountains brings rich food.
However, the fisherman must fish at the risk of life.

This continues next time.

上の写真、地図番号F: この奥に丹後半島の海岸線が延びています。
下の写真: この険しい崖の松の木に隼が生息している。




Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula 4: Pleasure boat of Tajima shore

但馬海岸から丹後半島を巡って 4: 但馬海岸の遊覧船


We went around Tajima shore of San’in Kaigan Global Geopark with a pleasure boat on May 13, 2016.
On this day, it was fine, and I enjoyed watching various strangely shaped rocks along with being blown by a sea breeze.


< 2. map >
< 2.地図 >
Upper photo:  the green range is San’in Kaigan Global Geopark, and spans about 100 km from east to west.
Two yellow wide arrows indicate each range of below two maps, and three blue arrows do the Hamasaka port that our Pleasure boat sailed from.

Lower photo:  this satellite photo is a view from the north side.
A blue long oval shows the range of the pleasure boat.
We did a round trip of embarkation along the shoreline of approximately 9 km for 50 minutes from 10:00.

上の地図: 緑色の範囲が東西100kmに及ぶ山陰海岸ジオパークです。

下の地図: この衛星写真は北側から見ています。

< 3.  finally start >
< 3. いざ出発 >
Upper photo:  our boarding boat was new glass-bottom boat.
Central photo:  Hamasaka Port and the cityscape that we sailed now.
Lower photo:  The rugged cliff that we see first.

上の写真: 乗船した遊覧船は新造されたばかりのグラスボートでした。
真ん中の写真: 今、出航して来た浜坂港と町並みが見える。
下の写真: 最初に見に入る荒々しい崖。

< 4.  strangely shaped rocks >
< 4. 奇岩 >
Lower photo:  The pattern of dislocation of the rocks running perpendicularly is similar to a dragon ascending to the sky.

上の写真: 鬼門岬。
下の写真: 竜宮洞門。

About San’in Kaigan Global Geopark
These beautiful appearances of shore are constructed from various rocks, which had been created by the volcanic activity, and were changed by repeated mountain making and the abrasive action.
The Japanese archipelago began to separate from a continent since 23 million years ago, and the Sea of Japan was made before long.
It can be said that this scenery and rich and varied seafood are created in this process.


< 5.  rock reef >
< 5.田井 >

This place is dotted with many rocks and fish and seaweed are rich.

上の写真: 田井の浜。
下の二枚の写真: 田井の松島。

< 6.  best fishing spot
< 6.絶好の釣り場 >

< 7.  islands and sea caves >
< 7.島と洞門 >
Upper photo:  Mio Oshima Island.
Lower photo:  Shitaara Sea Cave.

上の写真: 三尾大島。
下の写真: 下荒洞門。

< 8. Shitaara Sea Cave >
< 8.下荒洞門 >
Upper photo:  A cave of the front made by erosion passes till the left side surface (photo below).
A canoe can pass through this cave.

上の写真: 海食で出来た正面の洞穴が、左側面(下の写真)まで抜けている。

< 9.  cape and sea cave >
< 9.鋸岬と旭洞門 >
Upper photo:  a white point in the middle of the cape is a sea cave of the lower photo.

Our boat doubled back here.

上の写真: 岬の真ん中に見える白い点は下の写真の旭洞門です。


< 10.  we returned >
< 10. 戻って来ました >
Hamasaka Port is seen in the distant place.

This video footage from pleasure boat is 17 seconds.

This continues next time.


Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula 3:  Japanese cuisine of our inn

但馬海岸から丹後半島を巡って 3: 温泉旅館の料理

< 1. Shabushabu
< 1. しゃぶしゃぶ >

Today, I introduce the dinner of our inn.
This was rightly Japanese food, Washoku or Kaiseki ryori in Japanese.


< 2.  first served dishes
< 2. 最初の膳 >

< 3.  hors d'oeuvres
< 3. 前菜 >
Upper photo:  side dish consisting of several kinds of small dishes for sake (beer).
Lower photo:  a small dish before the main dish.
A tofu on that sea urchin eggs are put is in soup stock.
Ground green soybeans are mixed in bean curd.

These are dishes to eat first.

上の写真: 数種類の小料理からなる酒の肴(八寸?)。
下の写真: メイン料理の前の小料理(先付?)。


< 4.  Shabushabu of Tajima beef
< 4.  但馬牛のしゃぶしゃぶ >

Tajima beef is one of brands being representative of Japanese beef, and is using cattle of this district.
Shabushabu is a Japanese dish in which extremely thin slices of meat are cooked by swishing them several times in dashi (soup stock) boiled, dipped in sauce and eaten.


< 5.  dishes of Tajima beef
< 5. 但馬牛料理 >

These two beef dishes aren't served as normal cuisine.
Shabushabu, hand-formed sushi, and the roast beef of Tajima beef are one of special dish in this time.


< 6.  simmered dish and sashimi
< 6. 煮物と刺身 >
Upper photo:  simmered hilgendorf saucord.
This fish is caught in the Sea of Japan and is in season autumn and winter.
This high-class fish becomes popular recently.

Lower photo:  Sashimi of salt-water fish and a prawn.

上の写真: ノドグロ(アカムツ)の煮物。

下の写真: 海の魚の刺身とエビ。

< 7.  Abalone and tempura
< 7. アワビと天ぷら >
Upper photo:  simmered Abalone.
The abalone is a high-class food of shell inhabiting the reef of the Japanese coast.
This dish had the smell of ocean from the black seaweed, and its flavor was splendid.

Lower photo:  tempura of fish and vegetables.

上の写真: 煮たアワビ。

下の写真: 野菜と魚の天ぷら。

< 8.  steamed egg hotchpotch and rice
< 8. 茶碗蒸しとご飯 >
Upper photo:  steamed egg hotchpotch is chawanmushi in Japanese
This is like an egg custard, and consists of an egg mixture flavored with soy sauce and dashi, with numerous ingredients such as shiitake mushrooms, kamaboko, and boiled shrimp into tea-cup-like container.
Lower photo:  This three-piece set is rice, soup, and pickles, and our cuisine terminates in this dish.

上の写真: 茶碗蒸し。

下の写真: ご飯、おつゆ、漬物の三点セットで料理は終わります。

< 9.  dessert
< 9. デザート >
It is an ice cream and a strawberry.

Supplementary explanation
Special dishes of this dinner are Tajima beef, hilgendorf saucord, and Abalone.
I was really impressed by the fact that all dishes took a lot of trouble with cooking, and tastes of these all also were delicious.
Besides, it was splendid that a hot dish or cold dish was served at right temperature appropriately.
This dish is too much quantity for me, old man, but I ate all.

With the exception of the beef dishes, the cuisine is seasoned with soy sauce and dashi (soup stock) made from kombu (tangle) or dried bonito.
Therefore, it may be salty for foreign people.
However, I think that this cuisine culture in Japan is worth tasting.



10.  breakfast
< 10.朝食 >
It is almost basic breakfast.
From the left, it is boiled tofu, pickles, a seasoned dried laver, small fishes boiled down in soy, two whitefish pastes, a seasoned cod roe, a rolled egg, and a dried fish.
A rice and miso soup is added to this.

This continues next time.






Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula 2:  Hot spring resort 1

但馬海岸から丹後半島を巡って 2: 温泉 1

Today, I introduce Yumura Onsen where we visited and a Japanese inn having hot spring.

< 2.  the center of Yumura Onsen >
< 2. 湯村温泉の中心 >
Upper photo:  you can see a source of hot spring “Ara-yu” by the left side on the river.
上の写真: 川の左側に「荒湯」と足湯が見えます。

About Yumura Onsen 
There is this traditional hot-spring resort along a mountain stream in Hyogo prefecture.
If you descend about 10 km from here, can reach the nice-looking Sea of Japan.
This place is within deep mountains having good skiing area in this neighborhood.
You can enjoy ski and crab dish in winter, and do sea bathing in summer.


< 3.  a source of hot spring “Ara-yu” >
< 3. 荒湯 >
Lower photo:  local persons boil eggs or vegetables in this hot spring of high temperature like wells.
下の写真: 地元の人がこの高温の熱泉で卵や野菜をゆでている。

< 4.  nearby places for a stroll
< 4. 近くの散策ポイント >
Upper photo:  “Yumechiyo” statue.
This is a central character of a NHK drama that was located in this hot spring.
“Ara-yu” is seen on the other side of the river.

Lower photo:  Syofukuji temple with a splendid tower gate.

上の写真: 夢千代像。

下の写真: 立派な楼門がある正福寺。

< 5.  views from heights >
< 5. 高台からの眺め >
Upper photo:  I overlooked the hot spring resort on the north side from an observation deck of Kiyomasa Park.
Lower photo:  I saw mountains on the south side from our room of the inn.

上の写真: 清正公園展望台から北側の温泉街を見下ろす。
下の写真: 旅館の部屋から、南側の山岳部を望む。

I introduce the hot spring and morning bath of our inn.

< 6.  the hot spring “Tenjin no yu” >
< 6. 旅館の温泉「天神の湯」 >
Upper photo:  the bathhouse “Tenjin no yu” was detached from a main building and was built one step higher.
Lower photo:  the corridor that leads to the bathhouse from the main building.

The inn also has a big bathhouse " Atago no yu" in the main building, but I introduce only this “Tenjin no yu” because this detached bathhouse is splendid.
The guest changes the use of two bathhouses at morning and at night.

上の写真: 右側の一段高い所にある離れの浴場「天神の湯」の外観。
下の写真: 本館からその浴場に通じる廊下。


< 7.   Indoor bath
< 7. 屋内の風呂 >
There are outdoor baths and indoor baths in this detached bathhouse.
These two baths are a part of the indoor baths.


< 8.  two open-air baths >
< 8. 二つの露天風呂 >
Upper photo:  a bath that a source of hot spring discharges into is surrounded by a bamboo grove.
Lower photo:  A bath with good views is located in the downstream.

上の写真: 竹林に囲まれた源泉側のお風呂。
下の写真: その下流にある展望風呂。


< 9.  artistic bath 1
< 9. お風呂の風情 1 >
Upper photo:  I look at the bath on the downstream side from the bath of the source side.
Lower photo:  This small stream is a flow of hot water.

In this hot spring, a large quantity of hot water is flowing constantly.

上の写真: 源泉側の風呂から下流側の風呂を見る。
下の写真: この小川が湯の流れです。


< 10.  artistic bath 2 >
< 10. お風呂の風情 2 >

Probably Japanese age guests will take a bath before a dinner, before going to bed, and also in next morning.
If it is open-air bath of hot spring, it is the best.

You are feeling a chill in your face, soaking in hot water in a cloud of steam, and seeing the trees of neighboring mountains that is shining by a morning sun.This will take you to a healing time.
"Namuamidabutsu, Na-muamidabu."

This continues to next time.


