Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula 6: Daijyo-ji temple and Maruyama Ōkyo 1

但馬海岸から丹後半島を巡って 6: 大乗寺と円山応挙 1

< 1.  a temple gate of Daijyo-ji >
< 1. 大乗寺の山門 >

Today, I introduce the temple being on the way to the mountain from Kasumi Port in Hyogo.
There were amazing things in the seemingly ordinary temple.
Many pictures of Maruyama Ōkyo and the pupils were breathing there.
I introduce them several times from now on.


About Daijyo-ji temple

This is a temple of the Shingon sect of Buddhism, and it is said that priest Gyogi founded it in the 8th century.
Afterwards, it became extinct, but a chief priest of it achieved the restoration in the end of 18th century of the latter half of the Edo era.
When this chief priest visited Kyoto, he knew the talent of Maruyama Ōkyo, and gave him much money.  
After Maruyama Ōkyo became successful as an artist, he provided many pictures to this temple with 12 pupils to show its gratitude.
In this temple, there are more than one hundred of pictures and carvings, and the main works are still used in each room now.
So this temple is called Ōkyo temple.


< 2.  a main gate and the stone wall
< 2.山門と石垣 >

< 3.  the entrance and an Ōkyo statue >
< 3.玄関の応挙像 >
Upper photo:  if I passed through the main gate, I saw the excellent entrance hall that an Ōkyo statue was set in the center of.
Essentially, visitor enters the reception hall from this entrance hall, and opens the back shoji and enters a waiting room.
Tourist enters from kitchen of the right hand and pays the admission 800 yen.
And the tourist looks around many paintings of fusuma (sliding door), folding-screen paintings, and fretworks of ranma (transom) in the reception hall along with receiving explanation.

上の写真: 山門をくぐると立派な玄関が見え、その中央に応挙像があります。

< 4.  the reception hall and a masterpiece of Ōkyo >
< 4.客殿と応挙の代表作 >
Upper photo:  the kitchen side of the reception hall.
This building is more than 200 years old.

Lower picture:  this is a national treasure, the half of folding-screen paintings that Ōkyo described pine trees covered with snow, and other museum has this.

上の写真: 客殿の庫裡側。

下の絵: 国宝「雪松図屏風」の半分で、三井記念美術館蔵です。

< 5.  views of the main gate from in front of the reception hall  >
< 5. 客殿の前から山門側を見る >

< 6.  main buildings >
< 6. 主要な建築物 >
Upper photo:  the reception hall.
Lower photo:  The right hand is Kannon-do hall and the left hand is Yakushi-do hall.

上の写真: 客殿。
下の写真: 右手が観音堂で左側が薬師堂。

< 7.  views from in front of the Kannon-do hall >
< 7.観音堂から客殿を見る >
Upper photo:  there is a garden between the reception hall and the left mountain, but I couldn't see it.
Lower photo:  Water just spouts out of the top point of a globular stone in the center of the stone washbasin.
The water flowing from the mountain gushed out of it intermittently, but I don’t understand the mechanism.

I introduce paintings of Ōkyo next time.

上の写真: 客殿と左の山の間に庭があるが、見学は出来ない。
下の写真: この手水鉢の中央にある宝珠の先から勢いよく水が飛び出している。


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