Went around Croatia and Slovenia 7: Slovenia is a long way off 2

クロアチア・スロベニアを巡って 7: 遥かなりスロベニア 後編

< 1. Capital city Ljubljana >
< 1.首都リュブリャナ >

Slovenia was a migration route of Syrian refugees.
This thing was involved in the birth of Slovenia.
We look at this country’s history roughly.


From ancient times, Balkan Peninsula was ...


< 2.  Migrations >
< 2. 民族移動 >
Upper map:  Human migrations.
Center map:  Great Barbarian Invasion.
Lower map:  Slav migrations.

上図: 新人類の移動。
中央の図: ゲルマン人の移動。
下図: スラブ人の移動。

Several tens of thousand years ago, when the new human left Africa and went into Europe, they passed through Balkan Peninsula.
In addition, the farming culture born in west Asia spread through Europe via this area.

In the 5th century, the Germanic peoples passed through the northern part of Balkan Peninsula, and ruined the Western Roman Empire.
Furthermore, in the 7th century, east-west Slav settled in Russia and Poland, and south Slav settled in Balkan Peninsula.



< 3.  Contour map and imperial ambits >
< 3. 地形図と帝国の勢力図 >
Two red ovals of the both maps indicate Slovenia.

Upper map: The very long Danube River that flowed through from the west to the east became main ethnic migration route, and also grew Austria and Hungary Empire.
On the other hand, because there are a large number of mountains in Balkan Peninsula, growing to a large country is difficult, and this area comes to suffer among some empires.


上図: 東西に流れる長大なドナウ川は民族の移動ルートとなり、またオーストリアとハンガリー帝国を育んだ。

Lower map:  Empires that affected Balkan Peninsula.
Influence A:  Since the 10th century, the Holy Roman Empire, and next, Austrian Empire in the same German-speaking sphere.
Influence B:  Since the 10th century, Hungarian Empire.
Influence C:  The Western Roman Empire collapsed in the 5th century, and since the 13th century, Venice ruled the ocean.
Influence D:  The Eastern Roman Empire collapsed in the 15th century, and Ottoman Empire replaced it.
Influence E:  Since the 17th century, Russia.

下図: バルカン半島に影響を与えた帝国を示す。
勢力A: 10世紀からドイツ語圏の神聖ローマ帝国、次いでオーストリア帝国
勢力B: 10世紀に興ったハンガリー帝国。
勢力C: 5世紀に西ローマ帝国が滅亡し、13世紀以降、海洋を支配したベネチア。
勢力D: 15世紀に東ローマ帝国が滅亡し、取って代わったオスマントルコ。
勢力E: 17世紀以降のロシア。

Slovenia built a small kingdom in an early stage, but was not able to gain independent from the influence A.
For Austrian (influence A), Slovenia was a pivot for advancing to the Mediterranean Sea and was a defense line next to Croatia for Ottoman (influence D).
On the other hand, Croatia opposed against Ottoman Empire and Venice (influence C) under the guardianship of Hungary (influence B).
Since the 16th century, Hungary was incorporated in Austria, and Croatia and Slovenia were unified together with Europe.

On the other hand, Serbia that would build the greatest kingdom as south Slav was placed under guardianship of the Eastern Rome Empire, and next, was ruled by Ottoman Empire.
As the result, the people became refugees and the different ethnic groups began to live by as mixed together in Balkan, and this became a factor to cause a racial problem later.

During this time, many religions were mixed together, too.
In Influence A, B and C, Christian Catholicism became important.
In Influence D, It was the Greek Orthodox Church of the Eastern Rome Empire early, but subsequently Islam became the mainstream by Ottoman Empire.

Balkan came to be called "a powder magazine in Europe" in this way.





< 4. Slovenian history >
< 4. スロベニアの歴史 >
Upper map:  Austria-Hungary Empire, 1880.
Center map:  Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 1943-1992.
Lower map:  Current Republic of Slovenia.

上図: オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国、1880年。
中央の図: ユーゴスラビア社会主義連邦共和国、1943~1992年。
下図: 現在のスロベニア共和国。

The process of the birth of current Slovenia
In the 19th century, by an influence of Europe, ethnic consciousness was rising by the revival of language and literary arts in all places of Balkan.
In this time, the federation by south Slav was recalled for the first time, and a kingdom of Serbia, Croat, and Slovenia was born first in 1918.
After that, after a confusion of World War II, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was born by banding together much bigger.
However, when pivotal President Tito died, the federation was cracked due to mutual economic interests mainly.
In 1991, Slovenia declared independence first, and this federation collapsed after some civil wars for 10 years.

After all, Slovenia selected the way of independence as a south Slav of Austrian group, in a departure from south Slav of other cultural spheres, Croatia or Serbia.

Thus, in Balkan Peninsula, the passion of own ethnic for over 1000 years and the intense hatred for other ethnic swirled.

This continues next time.






The society and the information 57: News media has fought 14

< 1. Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 >
< 1. 日露戦争、1904~1905年 >

We again look at the background why newspaper changed in.
What did the progress of the war regime bring?



Usually, to find out about the path to a war, person will check out politics, armed forces, international relations, economy, subsequently public opinion, and media.
However, I adversely question the background that media went into wrong path.
The reason is the media can be compared to nervous system in a human body.
Because, if it exactly functions, we can stop and cure a cancer progresses.
But unfortunately, when a brain is influenced by feelings (fear and uneasiness, hatred), the person makes a wrong judgment.
Similarly, it occurs in media.
It is important that we know how the media come to don't function.

How did the background change?
The background was divided into three main branches.
A:  The social background by the progress of the war regime. It had deepened in the long term.
B:  The economic background. It became more conspicuous in the 1920s.
C:  The political background. It became more conspicuous mainly since the middle of 1920s.
The above three backgrounds relate to culture and thought that have an effect on public opinion, and then international relations.


< 2. The inspection parade of the Imperial Japanese Navy in 1933 >
< 2. 1933年、日本帝国海軍の観閲式 >

A: The progress of the war regime.
Overseas dispatch of Japanese troops started in Taiwan from 1874, next, Sino-Japanese War of 1894, and continued to Russo-Japanese War of 1904.
Since that day, the progress of the war regime of Japan became more conspicuous, and
Japan continued to walk a path of a war of expansion.

Shall we grasp the dimensions of the progress of the war regime?
The number of soldiers of the Japanese Army and Navy was first tens of thousands, but always needed 300,000 from 1912 to 1931.
And Japanese men entered the military unless no passing the check of military conscription at least once.
In Japanese military, the number of death tolls and injured persons were 100,000 and 160,000 in Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War only.
Japanese military expenditure ratio in the national finances was an average of 40% during the 1890s and the 1929s, 27% at the minimum, and the maximum was 82% for two years of Russo-Japanese War.



< 3. Military expenditure and Government spending from Meiji era till the Great War period >
< 3. 明治から大戦期までの軍事費と全財政支出の推移、「日本経済復活の会」から >

Explanatory notes:  The unit of vertical axis is 1 million yen, and a logarithmic display.
A brown line: Government spending of Japan.
A blue line: Military expenditure. When the military expenditure is prominent, a blue line approaches the brown line.
Commentary: The military expenditure increased day by day, but the national economy grew up equally until the 1920s.
However, after that, while the military expenditure rapidly increased, the national economy conversely declined for several years.

凡例: 立軸の単位は百万円で対数表示。
茶色線: 日本の財政支出。
青色線: 軍事支出。軍事費が突出すると青色線が茶色線に近づく。
解説: 軍事費は日増しに増大したが、その間の経済も1920年代まで同様に成長した。

For 60 years until Manchurian Incident in 1931, the arms buildup and the dispatch of troops were important theme in the politics, and the military demand and the colonial economy made an important contribution to economic development.
People became closely acquainted with Wars and military gradually, and top success in life of boys was military man.
On the other hand, Japanese built animosity toward people of the continents that Japan invaded due to occurrence of casualties of own citizens and soldiers.


< 4.  At three months before Manchurian Incident, three Japanese soldiers were shot to death by a local armed faction >
< 4. 中村大尉事件:満州事変の3ヶ月前に軍用調査の3人が満州軍閥に銃殺され死体は遺棄された >

While anti-Japan sentiment had raged, even if the casualties of several people occurred with the invasion of our military, Japanese national was enraged and appealed for the revenge.
Every belligerent country feels strong anger with being slaughtered even more than the number of the casualties, and a chain of revenge starts, and the war expands.
Thus, people strongly attend to the safety of own relatives and the victory or defeat of battlefronts, and come to pay attention to the news.
It may be said that this situation is universal human principles, and this already had occurred for several decades in Japan.

This continues next time.




I visited Guilin 5: Took a stroll through the streets of Guilin city

桂林を訪れました 5: 桂林町歩き 1


< 1. Twin towers of Shanhu Lake, at 8:35 
< 1.杉湖の双塔、8:35 >

I introduce the scenery and life of urban area of Guilin in installments.
This time, I introduce a night of the most lively downtown.


< 2. My stroll routes >
< 2. 散策したルート >
The upper side of the map is the north side.

Yellow line:  The route that we started to take a stroll through from our hotel at 19:20 of Wednesday, September 16.
The hotel is located in upper-right side of the map, and is “ Guilin Royal Garden Hotel”.
Yellow circle:  The spot that I photographed the Twin towers of Shanhu Lake.

Led line:  The route that we started to take a stroll through from our hotel at 16:30 of Thursday, September 17.


黄線: 9月16日(水)の19:20頃、ホテルを出発して散策したルートです。
黄丸: 杉湖の双塔を撮影した地点。

赤線: 9月17日(木)の16:30頃、ホテルを出発して散策したルートです。

< 3. Jiefang bridge >
< 3. 解放橋から >
1:  At 19:38, I look at the east side.
2:  At 19:41, I look at the west side, and there is a center that we were going to in this direction.
3:  At 18:56, Elephant Trunk Hill was seen in the center of Lijiang river.
4:  At 18:59, I look at the east side, and mountains of Qixing park was seen across this bridge.

1: 19:38、東側を見ている。
2: 19:41、西側、これから行く中心街の方を見ている。
3: 18:56、漓江下流の中央に象鼻山が見える。
4: 18:59、東側、橋の向こうに七星公園の山々が見える。

< 4. The first half of Zhengyang Pedestrian St. >
< 4. 正陽歩行街の前半 >
Three photos are things of from 20:00 to 20:05.
If you click here, you can see a video of 16 seconds.

This shopping district is a pedestrian street all day.
Even as it was weekday, there are a lot of crowds, and the department store also was full.
Tourists of a group and westerners were few, and most seemed to be domestic tourist or local people.
The difference between Japanese shopping streets and this street is few.
I didn't feel this area was dangerous.


< 5. The last half of Zhengyang Pedestrian St. >
< 5. 正陽歩行街の後半 >

8,9:  At 20:09, it is a mooncake shop under the clock tower in a crossroads.
Mooncakes had been sold in everywhere, this shop was abundant in kinds of the cake, and we bought many kinds of it.
When I came to this place, suddenly, I smelled the perfume of fragrant olive subtly.
The name of Guilin was originated in the fragrant olive, I had expected the fragrant olive in full bloom, but unfortunately smelled the perfume only here.

10:  At 20:24, the outside souvenir shops lined in the street from here.

8、9: 20:09、十字路にある時計台の下の月餅店。

10: 20:24、ここからは屋台の土産物店が並んでいました。

< 6. Twin towers of Shanhu Lake >
< 6. 杉湖と双塔、8:35 >
I wanted to take a picture of this, and I came here, and it was worth it.
But we lost our way after this, and returned to hotel by taxi.
Anyway, it was a big city.



< 7.  Zhongshan Middle Rd. >
< 7. 中山中路 >

11: At 19:36, around central high buildings was an intersection with Zhongshan Middle Rd. and Jiefang Rd.
12: At 19:36, there was the biggest bookstore of Guilin in the right side building.

In September 17, I went round two bookstores.
The first bookstore beside Lijiang river was small, but was a inside with a nice atmosphere.
There were many youths who enjoyed reading at tables in the bookstore.

Next, the bookstore in the photo even had the fourth floor.
Unfortunately this store hadn’t put books that I looked for and were written in Japanese and English.
I bought several books in Chinese after all.
In this bookstore, the space and service for children were enriched, and a lot of parent sand children had come.

Both bookstores were so, and these clerks coped kindly when I asked them some questions.

However, because of my ignorance, I kept these clerks long.
Finally, I thanked for it, and left here with a smile.

Thus, our stroll for two days was over.

This continues next time.

11: 19:36、中央の高い建物辺りが中山中路と解放路との交差点です。
12: 19:36、右側の建物に桂林最大の書店がありました。







Went around Croatia and Slovenia 6: Slovenia is a long way off 1

クロアチア・スロベニアを巡って 6: 遥かなりスロベニア 1

< 1.  We passed through this border checkpoint, and went to Slovenia from Croatia
< 1. クロアチアからスロベニアに向かう国境検問所 >

By accident, I realized a refugee issue at this trip.
I introduce the episode.
On the next time, I talk about a fate of Balkan Peninsula and Slovenia that derived from it.


< 2. Aspects of the above-mentioned border checkpoint at about 13:00, Sunday, August 30. >
< 2. 前述の国境検問所の様子、8月30日(日)13:00頃 >

We were stopped at the border checkpoint
These photos are aspects of the border checkpoint where we first experienced since we had gotten off at Zagreb airport.
During this trip, we went through borders of four countries nine times, and we were stopped at a border checkpoint for approximately one hour if it was longer.
In this time, this strict check is greatly different from the border checkpoints of EU member states that I have visited.

Always, these checkpoints of former Yugoslavia countries seem to have severely checked on the coming and going of foreign people (other ethnic group), but the refugee issue greatly influenced it suddenly.
The television in hotel had drastically taken up Syrian refugees who surged every day.

A lot of overcrowded motor coaches and cars got in a line before this checkpoint.
The photos show a group of Macedonian migrating workers that finished returning home and would again go to Europe for working.
Among former Yugoslavia countries, the more south a country is located in, the lower the income becomes, and migrant workers become many.




< 3. Syrian refugees >
< 3. シリア難民 >
Upper map:  The migration route of Syrian refugees.
There is approximately 3000-3500 km in the shortest distance if we go on a land route across the sea from a northern part of Syria to this Slovenian border.
It may take 100 days or more on foot.

Lower photo: The refugees who were stopped in Croatia near Slovenian border.
By The New York Times at Sept. 20, 2015.

I have known that many refugees drifted to the shore of Greece and Italy, but I couldn’t forecast that tens of thousands of people would surge on foot within a few days.

上図: シリア難民の移動ルート。

下の写真: スロベニア国境に近いクロアチアで止められている難民。


Our flight route and the routes of refugees


< 4. Routes of Qatar Airways and refugees >
< 4. カタール航空と難民のルート >
A red line indicates the approximately flight route from Doha to Zagreb.
Once, it flew over Syria, but make a detour now.
Two black lines indicate refugee’s routes that I guess.

The refugee desired to immigrate to Europe, therefore they were ready for death, threw all away, and continued walking endlessly.
You can know the area that they walked by next photos that I took from the airplane of the flight route.



< 5. From the sky of Iran or Iraqi >
< 5. イランかイラクの上空より >
In the dry earth, there are innumerable mountain ranges, and plowed fields fill valleys.
The numbers of these photos are in order of the photography.


< 6.  From the sky of Turkey >
< 6. トルコ上空より >
4:  A mountain soars beside Van Lake being the largest in Turkey, and is 4000 m in altitude.
A plowed field spreads out on the foot of the mountain.
The central plateau of Turkey is very dry.
5:  The Black Sea is seen at the upper part.
If coming over here, the Turkish earth is covered by cloud, and was covered with green.

4: トルコ最大のヴァン湖の横に聳える標高4000mの山。

5: 上方に黒海が見える。

< 7.  From the sky of Bulgaria, Serbia, and Croatia >
< 7. ブルガリア、セルビア、クロアチア上空より >

6:  The black sea was seen on the right side. It seems to be Bulgaria.
7:  It seems to be Serbia.
It is full of green, but is covered with innumerable mountain ranges.
8:  it is Croatia.
The altitude of the airplane declines and it will be about 100km from Zagreb.
The richly green plain sweeps away.

6: 右側に黒海が見える。ここはブルガリアだろう。
7: おそらくセビリア上空だろう。
8: ここはクロアチアです。

Thing I think
Their migration will be an unimaginable thing.
At first, they go through dry zone, next, must overcome the language barrier, furthermore, and the barrier of different religion except Turkey and Serbia.

However, Europe, particularly Germany and North Europe greatly open the door to refugees and whole Europe accepts people more than 120,000.
The United States decided to accept, too.
At today when right wing gets popularity by opposition to emigrant, it is really splendid.
There is the weight of each country’s history.

In fact, a fate of Balkan Peninsula is hidden in the migration route of refugees.
On the next time, I introduce it.


