Travel to South Korean 2: Andong Hahoe folk village“安東河回村”1


On October 22, this year, I went Andong Hahoe folk village of the world heritage.
Here, it is famous as a village of Yangban.
The village is where the members of Ryu family have lived together for 600 years.
Around a hundred houses retain the original form of hundreds-of-years-old style on the land that the Nakdong River“洛東江”flows around in an S shape

The merit of this village is not to be made as a tourist site.
I saw an idyllic landscape in the village in the small basin.



Bird's-eye view of Andong Hahoe folk village

< Bird's-eye view of Andong Hahoe folk village
The village was surrounded by the river and mountains and was suitable for protected land.
It is especially well known as the birthplace of a great Confucian scholar of the Joseon Dynasty(after 1392) and a Prime Minister of it.
They were from Yangban. 
Yangban were part of the traditional ruling class or nobles of the Joseon Dynasty.
They had high knowledge of Confucianism, and had elite consciousness.


The South Korean history drama "a distinguished family"

< The South Korean history drama "a distinguished family"
This is a drama describing a family of Yanban of the Joseon Dynasty.
This is a scene of the family discourse of Yanban.


South Korean map

< South Korean map: yellow = Andong, red = Gyeongju, and black = Pusan. >
Why did important human resources grow from this land in deep mountains?
The brown line is one of the Buddhism transmission routes from China to Gyeongju.
The dark blue line was Nakdong River, and the important water traffic route connected with the sea.
This land was important for a long time.


The whole view of the village

< The whole view of the village, by "こころ、きらめく韓国" >
The tile-roofed houses in which the Yanban resided occupied the center, the thatched houses in which the servants resided had surrounded the circumference of it.
Although the tile-roofed houses of the Yanban are surrounded by the strong wall, the thatched houses have many things without a wall.


I enter the village.


A corner of the village is visible beyond honey-colored rice stalks.

A corner of the village is visible beyond honey-colored rice stalks.

 Some sceneries of the village.

Some sceneries of the village.

Some sceneries of the village. >

a house of Yanban

< a house of Yanban  >
When Queen Elizabeth visited at Korea, she stayed at the house, and an famous prime minister of the Joseon Dynasty had resided in it at one time.
Upper photo is the room which is located immediately at the front.
We can look a fuel hole of the Ondol (an underfloor heating) at lacked foundation stone of lower left of lower photo.
Two chimneys of the Ondol can be seen at right side.


Structure of the Ondol 

< Structure of the Ondol  >
The underfloor heating is common in the Korean Peninsula till the present through the ages.

This article continues on the next time.




Go around the world of Buddha statues 4:  Buddha statue of Asia 1

 Great Buddha of Kamakura, Japan, the 13th century

< Great Buddha of Kamakura, Japan, the 13th century  

I introduce representative Buddha statues of Asia in twice.
The Buddha statue began to be made from about the 1st century in India, and spread in East Asia and Southeast Asia.
The Buddha statue comes to have a characteristic style before long in each place.


< Asia map

The Buddhism of each country was affected by the intention of the dynasty, their own culture, and the competition with other religion.
In East Asia, Buddhism and Confucianism mainly competed.
In south and Southeast Asia, Islam and Hinduism competed with Buddhism
Furthermore, the difference between Mahayanist Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism brought the difference between Buddha statues of East Asia and Southeast Asia.

I chose best one from a multitude of Buddha statues of each country and introduce it to you.
Buddhism died out in some countries, and the temples and the Buddha statues became inheritances.
I intend to choose the Buddha statues of when the Buddhism of each country has been the best days.



Great Buddha of Kamakura, Japan, the 13th century

 Great Buddha of Kamakura, Japan, the 13th century 

The Buddhism was born in India, but it began to decline from when Hinduism became the state religion.
Furthermore it was thoroughly destroyed and oppressed by Islamic influence in the 13th century, and almost disappeared.


Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka, the 12 th century  

 Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka, the 12 th century  

Although Buddhism already had been introduced into here in the third century BC, making Buddha statues became the 4th century.
It was late like India in where the stupa preceded the Buddha statue for several centuries.
Buddhism was protected by the dynasty from generation to generation, and became a leader of Southeast Asia as for Hinayana Buddhism at the 12-13th century.
This Buddha statue is a thing in the days of the golden age.
The most popular religion is Hinayana Buddhism still now.


Longmen Grottoes, China, the 7th century 

< Longmen Grottoes, China, the 7th century >

The Buddha statue production of China was transmitted from Silk Road, began in the 4th century, prospered in the 8th century, and still is continuing.
This Buddha statue was the same type as Great Buddha of Nara that would be built after five decades.
The religion was prohibited by Communist Party nation birth, but the most popular religion has no change besides Buddhism.


Sokkuram Grotto, South Korea, the 8th century  

 Sokkuram Grotto, South Korea, the 8th century  

The Buddha statue of the Korean Peninsula was built from around the 5th century, and developed.
However, since the last Korean dynasty made Confucianism the state religion and oppressed Buddhism at the end of the 14th century, the vigor of the Buddha statue was lost.
This Buddha statue reminds us of former times, but the most popular religion continues being Buddhism still now.

On the next time, I introduce Buddha statues of Southeast Asia to you.




何か変ですよ 29: よくやった山本氏!!





問い1 :天皇に手紙を渡すことが悪い。
答え1 :江戸時代じゃあるまいし、お殿様に直訴をして斬首されることもないでしょう。禁止の罰則が無い以上、議員辞職の必要はない。

問い2 :天皇に不敬である。
答え2 :天皇を煩わした可能性はある。しかし象徴に過ぎず、政治に無関係な天皇に、社会状況を伝える手紙を渡すことが悪いわけではない。天皇が煩わしいと思うだけであれば、それまでのこと。

問い3 :政治的パフォーマンスだ。
答え3 :パフォーマンスの可能性はある。議員の立場で出したのなら政治的と指摘されても仕方がない。しかし与党は去年辺りから、天皇を国政のパフォーマンスに大々的に担ぎ出している。結局、計画的、大規模な企ては許され、突発的、個人的なことは攻撃にさらされている。


< 象徴から元首へ:倒幕の錦の御旗、日露戦争の凱旋、主権回復の日 >

問い4 :なぜ与野党議員が一斉に非難するのだろうか?
答え4 :保守系議員は、天皇を国家元首に押し立てようとしている矢先であるから、これを機に、不敬であることを強く訴え、これを見せしめとしたい。一方、革新系は、戦争への歴史的反省から天皇を政治的(統帥権)に利用することを極度に恐れ、これを懲らしめたい。

問い5 :国民にとって何が重要なのか?
答え5 :彼の行動は、勧められたことでもないが大した問題ではない。彼は初心者で、歴史的認識や政治世界の常識に疎いだけであって、心情と逆転の発想、その行動力は将来が楽しみである。彼のような人を皆で応援し、立派な政治家することこそが重要です。

問い6 :彼の行動は時宜を得ていた。
答え6 :彼が意図していたかどうかわからないが、これを機に、与党の憲法改正案の問題点が浮かび上がってくるだろう、橋下氏の従軍慰安婦発言のように。改正案が実現すれば、天皇は象徴から元首に返り咲くことになり、より政治利用されることになるだろう。今回のような些細な一過性の事件ではすまない、今後1世紀に及ぶ問題になるかも知れない。そのこと認識させてくれた。

1 天皇の存在を過去に戻す潮流 :与党の憲法改正案第1章第1条、今年4月の「主権回復の日」の天皇出席と天皇万歳唱和、五輪招致の総会での宮家参加などは、伏線になっている。

2 天皇存続を無批判で受け入れる危険 :明治維新がスムーズになされた一つの要因に、国が分裂しなかったことがあり、そのために天皇が役立ったと言える。しかしこの体制は政治的混乱が生じる度に、天皇が担ぎ出されやすく(政治利用)、特に天皇の統帥権を盾に、議会は無視された経験がある。よく似た状況にタイ王家があり、度々軍事クーデターが起こり、王が治めることになる。これでは真の民主主義が育たない。


History of sickness and medical art 13: Ancient Egypt 3

< A spice store in Egypt: The drug knowledge from the ancient times is helpful >

A beer production in Ancient Egypt

< A beer production in Ancient Egypt  >

At first, the pharmacist of Ancient Egypt was of lower status compared with other ancient civilization and the cleric and the doctor concurrently served as the pharmacist.
But they afterward acquired the special status.
Oil and fats, water, milk, wine, and beer were used as the base for making the ointment.
The raw materials of drug were variously a plant, an animal, the mineral (iron, lead, antimony) etc.
The spice of Crete, China, and Arabia of the distant place were used actively.
Although there were about 900 kinds of medicines, the efficacy of most things is accepted like Senna, Castor oil, Thyme, and Celandine.
Because an efficacy of it was strong, mandragora of painkiller and henbane of anesthetic were dangerous.
The yeast fungus of the beer was used for an enteric disease, or an ulcer of the leg.
Similarly, the mold fungus of the bread was used as an antibiotic.
There were castor oil of laxative, enema of bile of ox, eyewash, and fumigant, too.
However, there were also doubtful curative things, such as fresh dew, mud of Nile, and dirt of a patient's nail.

薬 剤

a dwelling site of the construction worker of a royal tomb: in Deir el-Medina, about the 13th century B.C.

< a dwelling site of the construction worker of a royal tomb: in Deir el-Medina, about the 13th century B.C. >

Handling of excrement and garbage of common people was unsanitary, but there were a restroom and a bathroom in rich house.
As religious precepts, even petty people had the custom of tooth-brushing every day.
Moreover, people were forbidden from eating pork and head of animal, and daily regimen, such as a meal and a nap, was defined.


Hesy-ra:he was a doctor of dentistry and internal medicine, and also an important vassal in the 27th century BC. 

< Hesy-rahe was a doctor of dentistry and internal medicine, and also an important vassal in the 27th century BC. >

The heart was a place in which a soul, and a rational mind and an emotion dwelt, and was considered to be a place where the will of God was transmitted.
It was believed that one "pipe" that went around the whole body from heart carried blood, air and all body fluid.
But the circulation was not known.
It was thought that the sickness was because the "pipe" clogged, or a bad food entered the body from the "pipe."
The method of urging defecation was one of the medical treatments, in order to remove "the polluted body fluid."
The word "brain" was used first and they understood that paralysis vary according to bruised parts of the head.
About the damage that was looked from outside like an injury or a fracture, many of the causes of it were clear.
However, about the internal disease, the doctor was often at a loss, and irrational existence was considered to be a cause of it.
Usually, it was thought a diabolic act having hostility, or an epidemic disease that God sent as the wrath for the evildoing.

認 識

The Dwarf Seneb And His Family: his wife's love will be felt. about the 26th century BC. 

< The Dwarf Seneb And His Family: his wife's love will be felt. about the 26th century BC. >

Making full use of medicine and magic, medical treatment was performed broadly.
The surgery was highly progressing compared with other ancient civilization.
It may be said that the total medicine was rational and empirical, however, it declined remarkably after Rome imperial government.
It was fortunate that ancient Greece medicine was able to start from ancient Egyptian medicine.
Of course, adjacent Israel benefited.



Travel to South Korean 1 : Seoraksan national park 

I saw Mt. Seoraksan from a hotel.

< I saw Mt. Seoraksan from a hotel.  >

I tell you about the impression of the trip to South Korea.
I visited South Korea several times during these ten years.
The maximum South Korean charm is in history, traditional culture, and a meal for me.
South Korea is the nearest countries from Japan, and is having relation deep for many years.
However it experienced the big misfortune.
I wish the understanding of both countries deepens mutually, and I introduce South Korean towns, culture, and nature.


 some visit places of me are red spheres 

< some visit places of me are red spheres >

First, I introduce Mt. Seoraksan where I visited October 23, 2013.
This mountain at 1708 m elevation is on South Korean northeast end, and is the third hight peak of South Korea.
This mountain has been suddenly covered with clouds on that day.
However, this cloud wrapped the sharp rocky mountain and the autumnal leaves in good season, thereby we could see mysterious scenery.
On the ropeway in the national park, we rode up the observation deck till halfway up the mountain in a breath.


precipices and autumnal leaves closed on my gondola of the ropeway 

< precipices and autumnal leaves closed on my gondola of the ropeway >

I looked downward from the top station of the ropeway

< I looked downward from the top station of the ropeway

 I saw the Japan Sea from the top station

I saw the Japan Sea from the top station >

I saw several scenery from a walk road from the top station

I saw several scenery from a walk road from the top station

< I saw several scenery from a walk road from the top station

the top is the end of the walk road

< the top is the end of the walk road  >
Although a view from this top must be wonderful, I had not any time.


I saw the mountain range from the hill of the walk road 

< I saw the mountain range from the hill of the walk road >
Unfortunately faraway mountains were veiled.
It sprinkled and I was dreadful about falling down


I looked upward from the park of the down station of ropeway

< I looked upward from the park of the down station of ropeway
There was not rain in the park, and clouds of the edge of the mountains began to end slowly, too.
This superb view was combined with trees of crimson, gold, green color, and strangely shaped rocks precipices, and flowing clouds.
And it changed every moment


Introduction Seoraksan national park”  ( in Japanese, English, or Chinese)