Traveling to Spain and Portugal 29: Scenery from a car window, northern Spain and Portugal

スペインとポルトガルを巡る旅 29: 車窓から4、ポルトガルとスペイン北部

Upstream of Rio Douro near Porto, about 15:00, October 20

< 1.  Upstream of Rio Douro near Porto, about 15:00, October 20 >
< 1. ポルト近くのドウロ川上流、15時頃、10月20日 >

I introduce the scenery of Portugal and northern Spain today.
We traveled through from Evora of Portugal to Santiago de Compostela of Spain.
I took the most of these photos from my bus window.


map of our sightseeing route

< 2.  map of our sightseeing route >
< 2. 走行地図 >
This time, from October 18 to 21,we went north from number 11 of the map to 15, and returned to number 14 again.

On the way to Lisbon from Evora

< 3.  On the way to Lisbon from Evora
< 3. エヴォラからリスボンまでの途中 >
Data:  About 18:30, October 18, from a bus.
The location on the map:  Between number 11 and 12.
データ: 18:30頃、10月18日、バスから。

On the way to Coimbra from Lisbon 

< 4.  On the way to Coimbra from Lisbon >
< 4. リスボンからコインブラまでの途中 >
Date:  From 9:00 to 11:00, October 20, from a bus.
The location on the map:  Between number 12 and 13.

Upstream of Rio Douro near Porto

< 5. Upstream of Rio Douro near Porto >
< 5. ポルト近くのドウロ川上流 >
Date:  About 15:00, October 20, from a bus.
The location on the map:  Near the number 14.

On the way to Santiago de Compostela from Porto 

< 6.  On the way to Santiago de Compostela from Porto >
< 6. ポルトからサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラまでの途中 >
Data:  8:30- 10:00, October 21, from a bus.
The location on the map:  Between number 14 and 15.
We often saw hazed scenery that could not see in Spain, because of wet by being near the Atlantic Ocean coast.



About the view of private house and ancient city
As for the scenery along some highways that we ran through, the landscape clearly changed at the dividing line of Lisbon.
In the southern part from Lisbon, plains and gentle grassy plain spread out, and the private houses were relatively big and sparsely.
In the northern part from Lisbon, the hills that were covered by forest spread out, and the private houses scattered widely in the hillside and the hollow.
This is different from the town that was located on the upper part of the hill in the hilly areas of Spain.
The scenery of northern Portugal resembles the mountain village of Japan.

On the other hand, Elvas, Evora, Lisbon, Coimbra, Porto, Portugal's city where we visited had filled the hill with buildings all.
All these developed from a fort of the hilltop, and three latter used a big river for southern defense and for the trade.
These cities are similar to the ancient city of Spain very much.
Compared to this, it is symbolic that that developed in a basin.
In other words, Reconquista (war with the southern enemy for eight centuries) made the scenery of many ancient cities.
But Santiago de Compostela seems to have not become so, because peace visited to it early
Iberian cityscape was born in this way, and because of stone building, it have been passed down for many centuries.



Vigo gulf 

< 7.  Vigo gulf >
< 7. ビーゴ湾 >
Data:   10:00- 11:00, October 21, lower photo is in a roadside restaurant.
The location on the map:  Between number 14 and 15.

In this trip, the sea that I saw was only at Barcerona and Vigo.
I felt easier in my mind when I saw a seascape, because of remembering Japanese sea.



The suburbs of Santiago de Compostela

< 8.  The suburbs of Santiago de Compostela >
< 8. サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ近郊 >
Data:  About 11:30, October 21.
The location of the map:  Number 15.

Upper photo:  A view of Santiago de Compostela from Monte do Gozo.
Three towers are seen at the left distant place slightly.

Lower photo:  The suburbs of Monte do Gozo.


上の写真: 歓喜の丘からサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラを臨む。

下の写真: 歓喜の丘付近。

On the way to Porto from Santiago de Compostela 

< 9.  On the way to Porto from Santiago de Compostela >
< 9. サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラからポルトへ戻る途中 >
Data: 16:30- 17:30, October 21, from a bus.
The location on the world:  Between number 15 and 14.
Our bus goes almost the same route toward the south.

Next time, I introduce other sightseeing of Spain.




Traveling to Spain and Portugal 28: Santiago de Compostela of pilgrimabge 2, October 21

スペインとポルトガルを巡る旅 28: 巡礼の町サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステラ後編、10月21日


On Praza do Obradoiro, pilgrims was being pleased with each other in front of the cathedral

< 1. On Praza do Obradoiro, pilgrims was being pleased with each other in front of the cathedral
< 1. カテドラルの前で喜び合う巡礼者、オブラドイロ広場 >

Today, I introduce the latter half articles of Santiago de Compostela.
It is the cathedral and delighted pilgrims.


A map of Santiago de Compostela

< 2.  A map of Santiago de Compostela
< 2.サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステラの地図 >
The upper part of the map is the north.
The number in the map shows the photo number and the photography position, and is in order of the photography.
This time, I introduce the appearance of the cathedral with photograph number 23-28.


The southeast side of the cathedral

< 3.  The southeast side of the cathedral >
< 3. カテドラルの東南側 >
23:  Plaza de Praterias and a clock tower.
We can see the fountain of horses and the south gate of the cathedral on the back of it.

24:  A gate is seen in the left.
We climbed the stairs, went into Praza da Quintana of the eastside of the cathedral.

25:  “ Holy door” facing with Praza da Quintana.
St. Jacob statue of the 17th century is in the upper central part of the door.
The statues of Romanesque of about the twelfth century are reused on both sides of the gate.

23: プラテリアス広場と時計塔。

24: 左に門が見える。

25: キンタナ広場に面した「聖なる門」。

Praza da inmaculada 

< 4.  Praza da inmaculada >
< 4.インマクラーダ広場 >
26:  the monasterio seen from Praza da inmaculada. 
I was surprised that there are a lot of huge monasteries.
The monastery would be very rich.

27:  The north gate of the cathedral facing the plaza.
It was built in a neo-classical style in the 18th century.

28:  We go through an arch, and go into Praza do Obradoiro,

26: インマクラーダ広場から見た修道院。

27: 広場に面したカテドラルの北側の門。

28: アーチを抜けてオブラドイロ広場に出る。

Finally, we go into the cathedral
The photography in the hall is possible, but the flash is prohibited.
When we entered, outside light almost didn't come in, and there was also little illumination.
All pictures were corrected very brightly.



A floor plan of the cathedral

< 5.  A floor plan of the cathedral >
< 5. カテドラルの平面図 >

The blue part is Romanesque style and is the oldest part.
The upper of the map is the east.
The 23-25,27 numbers in the map show the above-mentioned photo number.


Portico de la Gloria

< 6. Portico de la Gloria >
< 6. 栄光の門 >
A:  Portico de la Gloria.
If we climbed the central stairs in the top photo, it is inside of the gate.
We can see St. Jacob statue of the 12th century Romanesque style in the central pillar.

B:  Colonnade.
A: 栄光の門。巻頭写真で、中央の階段を登った門の内側にある。

B: 柱廊。

Why is it very dark?
Three towers to rise highly in the front of the cathedral were built an extension in the baroque style, and the appearances and most of the towers or gates are structures in the 17-18th century.
However, the body structure is structures of the 11-12th century.
Therefore, the day lighting was not with being not able to make big windows because of the strength poverty.

I am surprised that such high building was built in those days.
This cathedral is representative of the church building (Romanesque) of the early stage when it became popular in Europe (the 11th century).



The structure

< 7.  The structure >
< 7. 構造 >
This building has typical cross structure, and consists of the nave extended to the east and west, and the transept extended to the north and south.
C:  A side aisle of photo D. There is a small chapel at the far end.
D:  The north gate (photo 27) and the transept.
E:  A side aisle of the nave. There is chancel (central alter) in the back.
F:  The north gate (photo 23) and the transept.

C: 写真Dの側廊。突き当たりに小さな礼拝堂がある。
D: 北側の門(写真27)と袖廊。
E: 身廊の側廊。奥に中央祭壇がある。
F: 南側の門(写真23)と袖廊。

Chancel (central alter) 

< 8. Chancel (central alter) >
< 8. 中央祭壇 >
G:  A glowing thing in the center is St. Jacob statue.
We climbed small stairs a little from the side of the central altar, and could hold the shoulder of St. Jacob statue from its back.
I suppose that all pilgrims had done this acting with emotion at the end from 1000 years ago.

H:  The side of the central altar.
I-J:  The view of the central altar from right and left.
We can see a big thurible hanging down in photo I.
I expected it a little, but we were not able to see a scene of swinging a big thurible.

G: 中央、金色に光っているのが聖ヤコブ像です。

H: 中央祭壇の横。
IJ: 中央祭壇を左右から臨む。写真Iに吊り下がっている香炉が見える。


< 9. Chapel
< 9. 礼拝堂など >
K:  The upper part of an intersection of the cross structure is a dome for skylights.
We can see a pulley hanging the thurible, and an eye is drawn at the back.

L:  A stained glass of the side aisle of the central altar.
M:  A Chapel.
N:  A chapel of the Holy Mother.
There are about 20 such chapels in this cathedral.

K: 十字架の交差部、頭上の明かり取り用のドーム。

L: 中央祭壇横の側廊のステンドグラス。
M: 礼拝堂。
N: 聖母の礼拝堂。

The young people finished the pilgrimage

< 10.  The young people finished the pilgrimage >
< 10.巡礼を終えた若者 >
The plaza was boiling with the delight that they accomplished the pilgrimage.
They cried, hugged each other and blessed each other.
They in two photos came from three continents, and their nationality was different all, and seems to be different of the age, too.
While experiencing hardships together, they seemed to have opened out.

At the end
It was my crop that I watched the old church architecture directly, and felt the atmosphere of a religious city from the Middle Ages.
Furthermore, I had contacted with the pilgrims, and shared their sensation.
It was very wonderful.




Traveling to Spain and Portugal 27: Santiago de Compostela of pilgrimage 1, October 21

スペインとポルトガルを巡る旅 27: 巡礼の町サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステラ前編、10月21日

Catedral currently under restoration, a view from Praza do Obradoiro

< 1.  Catedral currently under restoration, a view from Praza do Obradoiro >
< 1. 工事中のカテドラル、オブラドイロ広場から >

Today, I introduce Santiago de Compostela famous for pilgrimage.
This town has the atmosphere of religious city of the Middle Ages overall.
In this tour of Iberia sightseeing, there are many oldest Christian building and sculptures here.
I felt the excitement of pilgrims who were delighting with sweat and tears.


a map of Santiago de Compostela

< 2.  a map of Santiago de Compostela >
< 2. サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステラの地図 >
The upper part of the map is the north.
The number in the map shows the photo number and the photography position, and is in order of the photography.
Photo number 1-4 is outside this map range.
This time, I introduce Photo number 1-22.


Monte do Gozo and Christian pilgrimage route, at about 11:30 

< 3. Monte do Gozo and Christian pilgrimage route, at about 11:30 >
< 3. 歓喜の丘と巡礼の道、11:30頃撮影 >
1:  the statues on Monte do Gozo.
2:  Monte do Gozo.
Three towers are seen at the left distant place slightly.
This is the destination of the pilgrimage; the cathedral is distant 5 km from here.

3,4: pilgrims.

1: 歓喜の丘の像。
2: 歓喜の丘。

3,4: 巡礼者。

Finally, we go to the cathedral
At about 12:00, we began walking toward the old city, and we had lunch on the way.
At about 14:45, we came back to the original position and finished this sightseeing.


go toward Praza do Obradoiro

< 4.  go toward Praza do Obradoiro >
< 4. オブラドイロ広場に向かう >
5:  Convento de San Francisco.
There are about 20 of churches and monasteries in 1 square kilometers of the old city.

6:  Front entrance of above convento at about 18th century is seen in center.
7:  Progressing through this street, we came out Praza do Obradoiro. 

5: サン・フランシスコ修道院。

6: 上記修道院の18世紀頃の正面入口。
7: この通りを進むとすぐオブラドイロ広場に出る。

 Praza do Obradoiro  

< 5. Praza do Obradoiro  >
< 5. オブラドイロ広場 >
9:  the left side was Palacio de Rajoy once, and is now a city office.
The right side was the accommodations and hospital for the pilgrim that was built in the 15th century, and is now a parador (government-run hotel) of the highest grade.

10:  upper part of the front entrance of above palace.
The figure that St. Jacob with raising a sword and riding on a horse is fighting against Islam is expressed in it.
St. Jacob is regarded as being a patron saint fighting off Islam.

11: The right was a school that had been founded for poor students in the 15th century.
The front is a part of the cathedral.

9: 左は18世紀のラホイ宮殿で、現在は市役所。

10: 上記ラホイ宮殿正面入口の上部。

11: 右は15世紀に建てられた貧しい学生の為の学校だった。

Santiago de Compostela

This is one of the Christianity three sacred places.
Santiago is espanol of St. Jacob.

After Jacob of the Twelve Apostles did missionary work in Spain, returned to Jerusalem.
And he was beheaded by Judaic king (the 1st century).
Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Pilar of Zaragoza has a legend concerning Jacob.

In the early ninth century, a grave of St. Jacob was found at this place, and a church was built immediately, but it was destroyed by Islam afterwards.
The present building was built in the 11-13th century, and is the Spain Romanesque.
After that, it was reconstructed by the Renaissance and the baroque style.

This place is located in Iberian Peninsula northwestern end, and the sea approaches it from both side.
The northern part of Spain including here was liberated first by Christian in the eighth century, and played a key role in Reconquista.





The pilgrimage to here began in the tenth century, but the golden age was the twelfth century.
In Europe, the liturgy of Christianity had progressed in those days, and the worship of sacred relic and the pilgrimage also increased.

The main pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela begins from France, and it is a distance of 800km only in Spain.


Plaza de Fonseca and Colexio de Fonseca

< 6.  Plaza de Fonseca and Colexio de Fonseca >
< 6. フォンセカ広場とフォンセカ学校 >
12:  The green of Plaza de Fonseca is seen to the left of the street.
13:  Plaza de Fonseca. The entrance of Colexio de Fonseca is seen to the right.
14:  I took a picture from the second floor of a restaurant facing Plaza de Fonseca.
We had lunch here.

15:  Colexio de Fonseca of the 16th century.
A part of a private residence was used as a school, and it became the origin of the university in this town.

12: 通りの左にフォンセカ広場の緑が見える。
13: フォンセカ広場。右にフォンセカ学校の入口が見える。
14: フォンセカ広場に面したレストランの2階から撮影。

15: 16世紀のフォンセカ学校。

catherdral seen from Parque de Almeda 

< 7.  catherdral seen from Parque de Almeda >
< 7. アラメダ公園から見たカテドラル >
The spire of the front of the cathedral is central part, and a clock tower is the right.

a street to the back of the cathedral

< 8.  a street to the back of the cathedral >
< 8. カテドラルの裏側に通じる通り >
17:  a town street from Parque de Almeda. 
18:  a street to the back of the cathedral.
19:  a big thurible in a store window.
Thing used actually in the cathedral is about the same as height of a boy.

21:  In this office, people get pilgrimage certificate “Compostela”.

22:  the symbol of a restaurant.

On the next time, I introduce the latter part.

17: アラメダ公園側からの街並み。
18: カテドラルの裏側に至る通り。
19: ショーウインドウで見た大きな香炉。

21: この事務所で、巡礼証明書「コンポステーラ」がもらえる。

22: レストランのマーク。
