I went to Wakanoura for seeing autumnal leaves and eating seafood.


autumnal leaves in Kimiidera( temple) 

1.  autumnal leaves in Kimiidera( temple) >
1.  紀三井寺の紅葉 >

We went to Wakayama October 24, 25.
My wife planned this trip for her mother, but, as for me, a dinner and a hot spring were the biggest pleasure.

On the first day, we looked at Kimiidera(temple), Tamatsujima Shrine, Kishu-Toshogu( Shrine) and stayed at a hotel of Saikazaki.
On the next day, we went to Kuroe town of lacquerware, Kuroshio market of seafood, Yuasa town of soy sauce and mandarin orange
It was fine on the first day, but it was clouded from the evening, and it was rainy from the start of the next day.



Kimiidera( temple) 

< 2.  Kimiidera( temple) >
< 2. 紀三井寺 >

This temple worships Kannon Bodhisattva.
We can look over Wakanoura bay from the precinct that we have climbed to on the stone stairway till the last.
The right hand of the central photo is Saikazaki cape that we have booked to stay overnight.
The autumnal leaves seem to have been overblown.


main approach of Kishu-Toshogu( Shrine)

< 3.  main approach of Kishu-Toshogu( Shrine) >
< 3. 紀州東照宮の参道 >

a view of Saikazaki fishing port from my hotel 

< 4.  a view of Saikazaki fishing port from my hotel >
< 4. 宿から見た雑賀崎漁港 >

from an observation deck near Takadushi-yama mountain 

< 5.  from an observation deck near Takadushi-yama mountain >
< 5. 高津子山の手前にある展望台から >

the sights of Saigasaki cape 

< 6.  the sights of Saigasaki cape >
< 6. 雑賀崎の見所 >

Upper fig.:  a view of the rainy fishing port in the morning from my hotel.
Lower fig.:  autumnal leaves of Takadushi-yama mountain 

上の図: 宿から見た雨に煙る朝の漁港。
下の図: 高津子山の紅葉。

my hotel “ ISARIBI-NO-YADO Seaside KANCHO” 

< 7.  my hotel “ ISARIBI-NO-YADO Seaside KANCHO” >
< 7. 宿「漁り火の宿 シーサイド観潮」 >

About this hotel
Good point of the hotel is that we can thoroughly enjoy a nice view of the setting sun and the fishing port from a room and a hot spring, the dining room.
Furthermore, the dinner and breakfast were splendid.
Our room was old and inconvenient, but we were satisfied with all the others.
This neighborhood is slightly desolate in an old hot-spring hotel street.
It is surprising that there was such a good place in Wakayama city.

The photo of the hot spring was borrowed from HP of the hotel.



Introduction of the dinner
The dinner was ingenious seasoning, good setout, and considerate service. 
We were able to enjoy the cooking deliciously.


Dinner 1 

< 8.  Dinner 1 >

Dish 1:  Hors d’oeuvre.
Dish 2:  Sashimi.
Dish 3:  Fried skin of a hairtail.
Dish 4,5:  Shabushabu of yellowtail (blanching).
I forgot to take a picture of a homemade tofu and a tempura.

料理1: 先付;小さいながらどれも味わい深かった。
料理2: お造り盛り合。
料理3: 太刀魚の皮の唐揚げ。
料理4,5: ブリのしゃぶしゃぶ。

Dinner 2  

< 9.  Dinner 2 >

Dish 6:  Grilled turban shell; a specialty dish in this hotel.
Dish 7:  Stewed taro with starchy sauce.
Dish 9:  A clear soup of freshwater clam, and boiled rice with sauce of grouper.
Dish 10:  Dessert; a black ice cream.

Japanese dish was the best.
And the outdoor bath overlooking the cape was the best, too.
Yuasa town of manufacture of soy sauce was also good as old town and it smelled good.

From the next time, I return to “ Traveling to Spain and Portugal.”

料理6: サザエの壺焼き;この宿の名物料理「鷹の巣焼き」、美味しい。
料理7: 海老芋のあんかけ。
料理9: しじみのすまし汁とクエの利休飯(魚クエの汁かけご飯)
料理10: デザート;備長炭のアイスクリームだが見た目と違い、味は良い。




Traveling to Spain and Portugal 18: Nature of Iberia 2, from Spain to Portugal

Cordoba suburb, 16:35, October 16

< 1.  Cordoba suburb, 16:35, October 16 >
< 1. コルドバ近郊、16:35、16日 >

Today, I introduce nature of from Andalucia to a part of Portugal.


Our sightseeing route

< 2.  Our sightseeing route  >
< 2. 観光ルート >

I introduce nature of from Cordoba 6 of Spain to Seville 9 via Granada 7 and Ronda 8.
And then I introduce nature of from Seville 9 to Evora 11 via Elvas 10 of Portugal.
These photos are mostly due to taking a picture from bus, are arranged in order of photography.
This trip is from October 16 until 18.


I left Cordoba at about 16:10 October 16 and entered Granada at about 19:30.

 At the midpoint of Cordoba and Granada, 16:55-17:40 

< 3.  At the midpoint of Cordoba and Granada, 16:55-17:40 >
< 3. コルドバとグラナダの中間ぐらい、16:55~17:40 >

Olive tree have covered from plains to hill.
I didn’t see town pretty much, even if I saw, there is almost it on the hill.
Further, it was rare that I looked at private house.


At the midpoint of Cordoba and Granada, 17:50-18:00

< 4.  At the midpoint of Cordoba and Granada, 17:50-18:00 >
< 4. コルドバとグラナダの中間ぐらい、17:50~18:00>

Lower fig.:  It of a time when I got off bus and took a photograph of the back of a drive-in.
I hardly saw autumn leaves, but here the turning yellow of poplar just was lighted up with slanting rays of the sun.

下図: この写真だけはバスから降りてドライブインの裏手を撮影した。

I left Granada at about 9:10 October 17 and entered Ronda at about 12:00.

From Granada suburb to the midpoint of Granada and Ronda, 9:20-10:30 

< 5.  From Granada suburb to the midpoint of Granada and Ronda, 9:20-10:30 >
< 5. グラナダ近郊からロンダへの中間ぐらいまで、9:20~10:30 >

We approached Ronda, 10:45-11:10

< 6.  We approached Ronda, 10:45-11:10 >
< 6. ロンダに近づいた、10:45~11:10 >

Central fig.:  The hill was lined with many windmills, and the wind-generated electricity was served by Spain.
Lower fig.:  There was a fortress on a mountain; it may be a building in Muslim Spain.

中央図: 丘の上に風車が並んでおり、スペインでは風力発電が普及していた。
下図 : 山の上に砦がある、おそらくイスラム時代のかもしれない。

Ronda suburb, 11:30-11:35 

< 7.  Ronda suburb, 11:30-11:35 >
< 7. ロンダ近郊、11:30~11:35 >

When we approached to Ronda, we entered the mountain range and the bus continued to climb by the run.

There aren’t photos that I took a picture between Seville and Ronda.



I left Seville at about 12:00 October 18 and entered Elvas at about 15:20.

From Seville suburb to the midpoint of Seville and Elvas, 12:55-13:30

< 8.  From Seville suburb to the midpoint of Seville and Elvas, 12:55-13:30 >
< 8. セビージャ近郊からエルヴァスへの中間ぐらいまで、12:55~13:30 >

If we got over a mountain pass from Seville one time, after that we ran through the undulating land. 


At the midpoint of Seville and Elvas, 13:55

< 9.  At the midpoint of Seville and Elvas, 13:55 >
< 9. セビージャとエルヴァスの中間ぐらい、13:55 >

From the western part of Spain to the eastern part of Portugal, I just saw the grazing of Black Iberian pig in hilly areas around here.
Unfortunately I couldn't take the photo.
A lot of Cork Oak that have been a specialty of Portugal is planted here, and the pig eats acorns of Cork Oak and is brought up.


near by Elvas, 13:40-14:30

< 10.  near by Elvas, 13:40-14:30 >
< 10. エルヴァスに近づいた、13:40~14:30 >

The second from the bottom:  This is a picture that I took from a drive-in of Merida near border with Portugal.
Lower fig.: this is a picture I took of the same scenery as the upper photo from moving bus.

下から2枚目の写真:  ポルトガル国境近くのMeridaをドライブインから撮った写真です。
一番下の写真: 上の写真とほぼ同じ景色を走行中のバスから撮影した。

I left Elvas at about 16:00 October 18, entered Evora at about 17:00.

from Elvas to Evora, 16:20-16:55 

< 11.  from Elvas to Evora, 16:20-16:55 >
< 11. エルヴァスからエヴォラまで、16:20~16:55 >

When we go through Portugal, undulating land and a lush forest increase more and more.

From the next time, I introduce Portugal.




Traveling to Spain and Portugal 17: Sevilla, Spain, on the trip 7th day, October 18

La Giralda

< 1.  La Giralda >
< 1. ヒラルダの塔 >

Today, I introduce Sevilla that prospered in the Age of Discovery.
Here is the 4th city of Spain, and state capital of Andalucia.


Rio Guadalquivir

< 2.  Rio Guadalquivir
< 2. グアダルキビル川 >

Upper fig.:  A central part of Sevilla is visible to the right-hand side at distant place of the river.
Here, many containers and cranes appear and it seems to be a harbor of river mouth.
Although this place is in 80 km upper stream from the Atlantic Ocean, it is still playing an active part as the harbor.
Magellan left this port here in 1519 at the round-the-world trip, and three years afterward, the fleet carried full filled spice, and returned to this port.
After this, mainly Seville enjoyed prosperity of the Age of Discovery until the mid-17th century.
Central fig.:  Torre del Oro that fronts on Rio Guadalquivir.
It was built as an observation tower for the river in the early thirteenth century by Islam.

Lower fig.: Puente de Isabel is seen at the upstream of Rio Guadalquivir.

上図: セビージャの都市中心部が川の右側遠方に見える。

中央図: グアダルキビル川の面して立つ黄金の塔。

下図: グアダルキビル川の上流側に、イサベル2世橋が見える。

 Plaza de Esapna

< 3.  Plaza de Esapna >
< 3. スペイン広場 >

This was built in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929.
It is this building that I wanted to take a picture of in this trip most.
The grand and brown building of royal palace style looked beautiful with the morning light in the blue sky.


Plaza de Esapna 

< 4. Plaza de Esapna >
< 4. スペイン広場 >

I tried to take a picture in plenty, but satisfying photo was few, difficultly.

Main landmark architecture of the center

< 5.  Main landmark architecture of the center >
< 5.  中心部の主要な歴史的建造物 >

Upper fig.:  Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza.
It is the 18th century construction, and is the 2nd oldest in Spain.
Central fig.: Palacio de San Telmo.
This was built as a university in the 17th century, and a state government uses it now.
Lower fig.:  From Avenida de la Constitucion, Archivo de indias in front and a Catedral behind that were seen.
Archivo de indias was built as a trading post to trade with the colony collectively in the 16th century.

上図: マエストランサ闘牛場。18世紀建設、スペインで2番目に古い。
中央図: サン・テルモ宮殿。17世紀に大学として建設され、現在州政府が使用。
下図: コンスティトゥシオン通りから、手前にインディアス公文書館、その奥にカテドラルが見える。


< 6. Catedral >
< 6. カテドラル >

This Catedral(1402-1506) is the third biggest in the world, and the internal decoration and the collection seem to be excellent.
The sightseeing of admission is not in this tour.


Catedral and the circumference 

< 7. Catedral and the circumference >
< 7. カテドラルと周辺 >

Upper fig.:  Catedral is seen over Patio de los Naranjos from Puerta del Perdon.
Right fig.:  La Girakda that stands beside the Catedral is 98 m in height.
Islam built the lower part in the 12th century as a minaret of mosque, and Christian added to bell tower over it in the 16th century.

Lower fig.: Puerta del Leon del Real Alcazar is beside the Catedral and in south side of it.
The sightseeing of admission is not in this tour.
This castle wall is thing of the twelfth century by Islam, but the internal royal palace was rebuilt in Mudejar style by many kings of Christian.

上図: 免罪の門から、オレンジの中庭越しにカテドラルを見る。
右図: カテドラルの横に立つ高さ98mのヒラルダの塔。

下図: カテドラルの南横にあるアルカサル(王城)のライオンの門。入場観光なし。

Barrio de Santa Cruz 

< 8.  Barrio de Santa Cruz >
< 8. サンタ・クルス街 >

This is a Jew town that spread on the east side of the cathedral once, and the aristocrat lived here after the 17th century.
An iron grate of the former ghetto entrance was left.
Although the narrow alley continues with snaking, the white wall, the yellow border, and some courtyards are beautiful.
We bought the granddaughter's flamenco clothes in the souvenir shop here.


Flamenco show  

< 9.  Flamenco show  >
< 9. フラメンコショー >

We went to see the flamenco show of tour option on the previous day.
Upper fig.:  So it was on Friday, the city was filled in many people till the middle of the night.
Other fig.:  The show in a tablao (live house of flamenco).

I saw directly flamenco show for the first time.
At first, the intense step by male dancers only was noisy.
Male dancers proudly showed the intense step to us, and they struck a pose more proudly between intervals of the step.
Then, they started to look like handsome men gradually.
I am charmed in the tone of the flamenco guitar.

A Gypsy that was drifted from the east would exercise the ability of the music and dancing in east culture that had been intermingled in Spain.
I felt it in the dance of the form that man and woman competed for.
It is such as that a Gypsy exercised the ability of the music and dancing (Gypsy violins) in Hungary of Ottoman Empire

上図: 金曜日で、夜遅くまで街には多くの人で溢れていた。
他の図: タブラオ(フラメンコのライブハウス)でのショー。



The Age of Discovery and Seville
The Age of Discovery began in Portugal in the early part of the 15th century before half-century than Spain.
However, from the end of 15th century when Spain accomplished the Reconquista and the national unification, Spain put a lot of energy into exploring voyage for colony acquisition.
Italian and Jew who played an active part in Andalucia backed up this, and it was the financial power.

Seville had been developed as a capital of some kingdoms, the producing district of agricultural products, and an out port for many years.
And Spain happened to ride well at the Age of Discovery.

I intend to introduce the Age of Discovery in the article of Lisbon.

From the next time, I introduce 4 cities of Portugal, 5 cities of Spain, and others information.





Traveling to Spain and Portugal 16: Garden and Villa of Alhambra、on the trip 6th day, October 17

A view of Alhambra from Generalife

< 1.  A view of Alhambra from Generalife >
< 1. ヘネラリーフェ離宮の庭園からアルハンブラ宮殿を臨む >

Today, I introduce to you the garden, the detached palace, and flowers as the second half of our Alhambra sightseeing.


a satellite photo, a red line is the walking route, upper part is the north.

< 2.  a satellite photo, a red line is the walking route, upper part is the north. >
< 2. 衛星写真。赤線が徒歩のルート、上方が北。 >

“S” of the above-mentioned photo is a starting point, and is the place that we came out from Patio de Lindaraja of the palace.
We go to “G” through the garden, and “G” is Patio de la Acequia in Generalife. 
After that, our sightseeing was over with going through “EX”.


a garden of the palace

< 3.  a garden of the palace >
< 3. 宮殿の庭園 >

The number in above-mentioned photo shows approximately the sequence of our sightseeing.
1:  We just came out from the building surrounding Patio de Lindaraja.
Generally, the outer wall and the doorway of Alhambra are simpler and more meager than the interior decoration.

2:  A tower for defense.
3:  A bell tower of a church is in the right side; it was built to the trace of a mosque.
4:  Many ponds such as it are arranged in this garden.
A part of a watchtower with a nice view is seen at the left edge.

1: リンダハラの中庭を囲む建物から出て来たところ。

2: 防衛用の塔。
3: 右は教会の鐘楼で、モスクの跡に建てられた。
4: 庭園にはこのような池がたくさん配されている。

The summary history of Alhambra
In the western end of top of this mountain, Alcazaba(palace) was built first at the end of the 9th century.
After that, the extension works was carried out sequentially, and most buildings seem to be accomplished by the 14th century.
As its peak, the inside of this castle wall was lined with nobility's residence, and several thousand people were living in it.
There were buildings such as Patio de los Leones in this garden.
Although Christian (kings) rebuilt this palace and used it from the end of the 15th century, they left it after that.

Alhambra seems to be inferior to Topkapi Palace in Istanbul on a scale.
This palace was early built as compared with Topkapi Palace 100-600 years before, the territory was smaller, and it was built on the hill.
They would influence it.
I feel the soul of Arab and Islam that firmly rooted in Spain to the interior or the architectural style.
A hometown of this ethnic group was in Arabia, but they had been living in Spain for 800 years from early the 8th century, via North Africa and Gibraltar.



 A view of Generalife from Alhambra 

< 4.  A view of Generalife from Alhambra >
< 4. 庭園からヘネラリーフエ離宮を臨む >

The right side of the villa becomes the garden, and there is a valley between this palace and the villa.


a garden area of Alhambra 

< 5.  a garden area of Alhambra >
< 5. 宮殿の庭園 >

6,7,8:  The garden is used as not only a flower beds but also a vegetable garden.
9:  The tower that appertained to the castle wall is about 20 in total, and it was a defense use or a residence use or a guard use for irrigation channel.
The left side of the tower is the upper part of the castle wall, and the cavalry of the guard went along it at that time.

6,7,8: この庭園は花だけではなく菜園としも使用されている。
9: 城壁に付随した塔は総計20ほどあり、防衛用や用水路の警備用、邸宅用などがある。

A view of Alhambra from a garden of Generalife 

< 6.  A view of Alhambra from a garden of Generalife 
< 6. ヘネラリーフェ離宮の庭園からアルハンブラ宮殿を臨む >

The city spreads in the right hand, Torre de Comares is visible to the right end of the hill, and the bell tower of a church is visible to the central part.



< 7. Generalife 
< 7. ヘネラリーフェ離宮 >

12,13:  the graden of Generalife. 
14:  We pass through the patio and enter the building having Patio de la Acequia finally.
16:  An avenue near the exit.

12,13: 離宮の庭園。
14: 中庭を抜けて、いよいよアセキアの中庭を臨む建物に入る。
16: 出口に近い並木道。

Patio de la Acequia, viewing of the north

< 8.  Patio de la Acequia, viewing of the north >
< 8. アセキアの中庭、北側を臨む >

Our sightseeing in Granada was over.
Islam had lived close together in Granada of Andalucia from Nara Period to the Azuchi-Momoyama Period of Japanese history.

From next time, I introduce Seville that prospered unprecedentedly at the Age of Discovery.


