The society and the information 31 : Information crosses the border 5

 Pro-democracy demonstration of East Germany in 1989

  1.  Pro-democracy demonstration of East Germany in 1989   >

Following the last article, I investigate the cause of having led the collapse of the Berlin Wall.
This was a information that apprised people about their being supported by many people, and it scattered seeds of hope on the their heart.


Berlin Wall construction in 1961 

< 2.  Berlin Wall construction in 1961 >

John Paul II 

< 3.  John Paul II >

What gave people a supportive push?
All the worker has a right of labor union formation, in order to protect a social right and human rights. “ Solidarity” is a precious mental inheritance in not only the Polish people but the world" (summary)
The pope from Poland, at the New Year's greeting in 1981, blamed it strongly to Poland government for oppressing the people by the martial law.
Those days, Western countries also blamed the high-handed policy of East European country’s government.
Christianity was ardently believed by people in East Europe and East Germany.
And the church had taken sides with the people and came to strongly request a conversation to the government. 
In East Germany too, from about 1982, a peaceful march was performed at the church in Leipzig every week.
And in first, the march that had begun at about 100 people became 200,000 people and spread in the whole country.


 a movie film of Katyn massacre 

 4.    a movie film of Katyn massacre  

In addition, by Gorbachev's information disclosure, some truths of the past disgusting incident in which the Soviet Union or communism system were concerned came to light.
And the history was reviewed, and the people had confidence in the direction of their aim at increasingly.

However, biggest thing that influenced people was probably that the people have shared the wave of East European democratization, and first-hand information from Western Europe.
In Hungary, people’s trip to Europe was liberalized completely in the beginning of 1988.
In East Germany, the television broadcasting from West Germany could be easily received from long ago, and acquisition of foreign newspapers or books was also easy.
In Romania, in order to restrict the information, the duty of the possession report of a typewriter had been imposed, but it could not interrupt the wave.
In this way, the wave had spread to Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Romania in no time.



 People of East Germany traversing a Hungary border 

 5.  People of East Germany traversing a Hungary border 

What was the last push?
In September 1989, Hungary government permitted the departure to Austria East German citizens asking for exile.
Thereby, a lot of East German citizens flowed into West Germany through both countries.
At this time, the wall of East-West division came to make no sense.
In East Germany, although there had been a quiet movement asking for their freedom from long ago, the demonstrations expanded at a stretch.
In October, Gorbachev who had visited to the East Germany encouraged the democracy movement of the people, in disregard of embarrassment of the East Germany government.
The government collapsed and the Berlin Wall was destroyed by citizens on November 9.



As crossing a border, the first-hand information that was transmitted by the exchange of economy or people taught the truth to the people, and also the support from abroad gave them courage.
In this way, the liberalization and the democratization that seemed to be impossibility became possible without bloodshed depending on the courage and the wise decision of many people aiming at the reform.



The society and the information 30: information crosses the border 4

 the collapse of the Berlin Wall

< 1.  the collapse of the Berlin Wall >

This time, I watch a story of how the collapse of the Berlin Wall happened in 1989.
It was like that a stormy blew above the Soviet Union, East Europe, and defunct East Germany.
Just like a spring storm, after going away, the people would taste joy of the liberation.


both the Presidents of Reagan and Gorbachev

< 2.  both the Presidents of Reagan and Gorbachev


After the collapse of the Berlin Wall, East-West Germany was unified.
And East European countries such as Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia converted from the single-party regime subordinated to the Soviet Union to a democracy nation.
Now, many have participated in EU and the people get freedom and economic development.
The people seem to enjoy fully the freedom of a movement, a habitation, a finding employment, and speech in the EU area.
However, ten years ago, there was no freedom in those countries, the people suffered economic stagnation, and their complaint was suppressed by the security police and the army.


 Hungarian capital of Budapest and Danube 

< 3.  Hungarian capital of Budapest and Danube >

What became a trigger?
While the Soviet Union economy had become weak, in 1985, the President Gorbachev appeared with advocating perestroika (reform) and glasnost (information disclosure).
He thought it indispensable for people facing directly the problem and talking frankly for escaping from the slump.
In the federation, he aimed at the democratization and promoted a market economy from a planned economy.
As for the diplomacy, he promoted a nuclear disarmament between the U.S., and declared the military nonintervention to East Europe, or recognizing the independent of the republic in the federation.
In the backdrop, there was a failure of the planned economy, the high burden of military expansion expenses, and a detente among the U.S., Republic of China, and the Soviet Union.
In addition, the disaster of Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986 raised an importance of people's information disclosure, and awareness about the politics.  
Under one-party regime that was assumed to have been decayed strongly, I was amazed that the reform had advanced without big resistance.


"Prague Spring" incident in Czechoslovakia

< 4.  "Prague Spring" incident in Czechoslovakia  

What had been occurring in East Europe?

Although East European people appealed for the reform of economy and politics many times with performing the demonstration and the strike, people were strangled after bloodletting always.
In Czechoslovakia, "Prague Spring" which aimed at liberalization in 1968 collapsed by the Soviet Union having led the army, and the dark long time came to continue.
However, in Poland, the trade union "Solidarity" of 1 million people affiliation was formed in 1980 and pressed the government for the reform.
Hungary was closest to Europe historically, borrowed much money from Europe, and the economic exchange advanced.
And then the democratization momentum of the people had been rising.
In 1985, the party that the trade union having been born one after another recommended won congressional seat for the first time in the general election finally.
And one-party dictatorship was broken.
As for this, other East Europe and East Germany were similar.


 Chairman Walesa of “Solidarity” in Poland 

< 5.   Chairman Walesa of “Solidarity” in Poland >

Next time, I look at what made the people challenging.



Travel to Turkey 6:  Scenery from our bus window until Konya

A farm village and a large lake

< 1.  A farm village and a large lake 

I introduce the rural scenery of Anatolian plateau today.
Our bus ran 410 km from Pamukkale to Konya.
In the interim, I took pictures of the scenery from the bus window.


hills and rural sceneries

< 2.  hills and rural sceneries >

There were the crystal clear sky and white clouds, and the green carpet had covered the hills and the ground.
There weren't even small rivers, ponds, or forest, and the ground had been dry.


a village

< 3.  a village >

One of the charmed scenes was a village.
Although I could not take a good picture, the form of many villages was like a sector sticking to the foot of small hill.
Among many private houses of red roof in the village, there was always a mosque having a silver dome and a minaret.
From the village, one white way passes through the green farm and extends to a main road of the basin.
In addition, tall poplars stand out in the boundary of many farmhouses and farms.
It is said that this poplar will be planted when a child was born and it will be cut at the time of the marriage in order to make as furniture for giving to the grown child.
It is a scene of the village unlike Japan.


mountains and a flower

< 4. mountains and a flower  

 agricultural work 

< 5.  agricultural work >

Villagers seem to be working jointly.
In lower photograph, one car is running the farm road.
It appears that five women wearing farm clothes have been getting seated in the carrier of the car.


 a souvenir shop 

< 6.  a souvenir shop >

I am always excited in souvenir shop.
I bought one book of the folktale of the Japanese version here.



History of sickness and medical art 26: China 1

 Bronze ware, the 6th century B.C. 

< 1.  Bronze ware, the 6th century B.C. 

I look at the medical art of China in the first millennium B.C.
This time, I survey Chinese medical art of those days.


Terracotta Army in Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

< 2.  Terracotta Army in Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, the 3rd century B.C. >

The Chinese civilization began from a large number of city-states that was born in the Yellow River middle region.
The oldest dynasty is "Xia" in about 2070 B.C.
In the wake of the large conflict of “ Chun qiu Zhan guo shi dai”(770B.C.~221B.C.), Qin Dynasty accomplished first unification, then Han Dynasty (202B.C.~220A.D.) took it.
From these days, China was the supreme ruler of East Asia and was the most advanced civilized country.


Chinese drama "Confucius"

 3. Chinese drama "Confucius" 

For us, China was a great teacher and a cultural superpower that had abundant classics.
Although the birth of a character would be in about the 16th century B.C., it became popular for writing to a strip of wood card and a silk cloth.
The contents became various from about the 8th century, and it were written about a myth, poetry, the history, accounts of war, the thought, and the medical art.
Such as Confucius, the thinker's birth that began from about the 6th century B.C. became a landmark event of culture.


Chinese medicine drugstore street in Guangzhou 

< 4. Chinese medicine drugstore street in Guangzhou >

The old medical art of China is called Chinese medicine and is contributing by the drug and health management method still today.
It includes Chinese herb, massage, and a food therapy meaning that foods are medicines.
And especially acupuncture, moxa cautery, and a therapy by life energy are peculiar.
The medical art of China was tied to much God and black art in the first stage in common with other civilization.


< 5.  Inscriptions on bones and tortoise carapaces, the 13 –11th century B.C. >

I introduce two stories.
Policymaker uses the doctor who performs fortune-telling by a tortoise shell and bamboo sticks." (the 2nd century B.C.- the 2nd A.D.)

This sickness cannot get cured. The moxa cautery does not work because that it is located at the lower side of your heart and upper side of your diaphragm. And the acupuncture does not reach it. Medicines also do not work additionally.” (About the 4th century B.C. time)  

The former shows that they depended on treatment of witch doctor performing a fortune-telling and a prayer.
The latter shows that famous physician in ordinary to King of Qin was invited to Jin, and he diagnosed the King of Jin.
In those times, there was a doctor who won fame by medicine.
He had known three kinds of cures and diagnosed for medical problem.

I look at how the empirical science-like medical art including the magical factor has changed, from the first millennium B.C. to the 3rd century A.D.






New fables of Aesop 9: One tree of persimmon


Once upon a time, there was a tree of persimmon in a valley between two mountains.
Monkeys lived in each mountain peacefully.



One monkey found the tree of persimmon in the valley.
“ Come autumn, the tree seems to bear splendid fruits.”
However, a monkey of opposite mountain has stared at here.
“ Monkeys of opposite mountain seem to take these.”



This young monkey returned to his group and talked with an elder.
"Is a tree of persimmon in the valleys our thing?"
The elder answered that he didn't know about the old days, and you should not contact with it.
Then a robust monkey that had been hearing it said.
“ Well then, we should prevent his picking persimmons.



At first, several monkeys came out from both mountains, and they glared at each other on both sides of the tree of persimmon.
One monkey said at a certain moment.
You must not pick these.”
In reverse, you really must not pick these.

The robust monkey said to everybody.
Must be not underestimated by them, and everybody must show fighting posture with holding a stick in your hand!”
The elder looking at it rebuked young monkeys.
“ It will become irreparable.”

Before long, young monkeys of two groups with a stick came to face each other all together in the valley.
Then, the battle started in the wake of having given someone's cough.


「舐めらんじゃないぞ! 皆、手に棒を持って戦う姿勢を示せ!」



The year, autumn came to the valley.
Nobody ate persimmons, and when it became red ripe, it only fell into the ground.
If look closely, “ Brave man died here.”  It had been written to a mossy monument.



人類の歩みと憲法 17: 目次と要約


キーワード: 憲法改正、解釈変更、愛国心、政治不信、暴走、歴史認識

キーワード: 進歩、戒律、法典、市民の法

キーワード: 大日本帝国憲法、日本国憲法、権利の章典、合衆国憲法、国連憲章

キーワード: 人権宣言、民主制、主権在民、人間の権利、正義

キーワード: キリスト教、ルネサンス、都市市民、宗教改革、一揆

キーワード: 大統領、ナチ党、戒厳令、全権委任法、第二次世界大戦

キーワード: 行政、立法、司法、違憲審査、選挙制度

キーワード: 違憲審査、最高裁判所、行政の巨大化・専門化、情報の隠蔽

キーワード: 軍備増強、集団安保、中立、同盟、抑止力、日米同盟

キーワード: 脅威、政争の具、愛国心、憎悪、自衛、日中戦争、PKO

キーワード: 国境紛争、IRA(宗教対立)、アパルトヘイト(人種差別)、独立

キーワード: ヴェストファーレン条約、十四箇条の平和原則、国際連合憲章、各国憲法

キーワード: 国連常任理事国、拒否権、集団的自衛権、銃犯罪、自衛、CIA

キーワード: 米国、国連、核兵器、核拡散、抑止力、EUストラスブール、対馬

キーワード: ヒトラー、軍事大国、憎悪、敗戦、コソボ、抑止論、愛着心、共感、聖書、多民族国家、海外交流

キーワード: 憲法解釈変更、憲法改正、同盟、国連改革、9条、米国追従、歴史認識


     法関係 :「世界史の中の憲法」浦部法穂著、「基礎法学」榎原猛編、「世界憲法集」宮沢俊善遍、「憲法学教室」浦部法穂著
     思想関係 :「要説・世界の法思想」千葉正士著、「法思想史講義 上・下」笹倉秀夫著、「図解世界の哲学・思想」小須田健著
     戦争関係 :「ナチズム」村瀬興雄著、「独裁者ヒトラーの全貌」荒地出版社刊、「よくわかる世界の紛争」毎日新聞社外信部編、「知られざるベトナム戦争 CIA謀略作戦」テ・ナム著、「我々はなぜ戦争をしたのか」東大作著、「安全保障学入門」防衛大学校編
     心理関係 :「社会心理学キーワード」山岸俊男編、「文化心理学 上・下」増田・山岸共著
     歴史関係 :「戦争の日本近現代史」加藤陽子、「世界の歴史 全10巻」創元社刊、「世界の歴史 全30巻」中央公論社刊、「早わかり日本史」河合敦著、「早わかり世界史」宮崎正勝著、「戦後史の正体」孫崎
     全般 : ウィキペディア、世界大百科事典、マイペディア