Showing posts with label primitive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label primitive. Show all posts


Go around the world of Buddha statues 25: The beginning of God statue in China 3

仏像を巡って 25: 中国の神像の始まり 3

< 1. the soldier figures in the mausoleum of the first Qin Emperor in the 3rd century B.C.  >
< 1. 兵馬俑、秦の始皇帝陵墓、前3世紀   >

This time, we keep track of a change of human statues from prehistoric age to about the first century A.D.
Various feelings were included in these human statues.


About the soldier figures in the mausoleum of the first Qin Emperor
The statue A of Fig. 1 that is one of 8000 statues became an epoch-making expression of the human statue in Chinese history.
The appearance of these statues is different each, it is very realistic and these heights are 1.8-2 m.
The burial goods (statue M of fig. 6) in the Imperial mausoleum of subsequent Han dynasty had many numbers, but looked inferior in small size.
But after that, many very expressive human statues started to be made.

Before that, human statues had been buried to grave of a lord, but it was rare and was very simple.
In the earlier years, humans and cattle were killed and buried.



Let us keep track of a change of human statues


< 2.  the map indicating the excavation site of these fig. >
< 2.図像の出土位置を示す地図  >

< 3.  the earliest type of human images >
< 3. 最初期の人物表現 >
Fig. B: a bowl made of painted pottery of about 4500 B.C.
A fish image with a human head drawn inside it means a hope of descendant prosperity that is based on fish laying a lot of eggs.

Fig. C:  a human statue made of stone with a height of 8.6 cm in about 4500 B.C.
This is a burial good, and seems to be Sherman by the clothes and the style, and had been sewed on a clothing of a religious leader.

Fig. D: a nude statue in 4000-3000 B.C.
This clay figure is suggestive of Venus.
This type made of stone was excavated here from about 6000 B.C., and was the earliest nude statue in China.




< 4.  three figures of stone or bronze >
< 4. 玉と青銅器の図像 >
Fig. E: a ritual implement made of stone in about 3100 B.C.
This was a bracelet of priest at first, and after that, came to play a central role in rituals as implement.
Some animal heads have been engraved on the surface.
In animal heads of the lower side, the eyes and mouth are very clear.


Fig. F:  a bronze ware in 1300-1050 B.C.
This bronze ware had been for boiling, but was for rituals and a burial good of the upper class.
Such animal heads often were engraved on this type of wares.
Its figure consists of a central nose, symmetrical big eyes, ears like nail expanding outward, great horns bending overhead, and a greatly below opened mouth.
It seems to have been a charm against evil.

Fig. G:  a bronze ware originally used for serving wine of 1300-1050 B.C.
Dragons and animals are engraved on the surface of the tiger figure, and it is holding a human being.
In those days, the people thought that the power of animals was necessary for the contact between people and sky, ground, and divine spirit.



< 5. statues made of bonze in 2000-1000 B.C. >
< 5. 三星堆遺跡の青銅像、四川省、紀元前2000~1000年 >
There were not such human statures, mask and head in other cultures of the same era.
The face was strongly emphasized such as these eyes, ears and mouth.
The people buried these figures in the underground for worshipping ancestor God.

Fig. H: a shaman statue with a height 1.8 m.


図H: シャーマン像、人像高1.8m、祭祀と関係した特徴的な手をしている。

< 6.  two statues with wing and a clay dolls  >
< 6. 羽人と俑  >
Fig. K:  the statue with wing made of wood has been buried in a grave of 4th century B.C.
The statue stands on a bird on a beast.
The upper body is a naked human, the mouth is a bill, and the lower body is a bird.
These statues with wing showed mountain hermit in old books.

Fig. L:  a statue with wing made of bronze of from 202 B.C. to 8 century A.D.

Fig. M:  a woman statue made of painted pottery in the 2nd century B.C.
This is one of the things that were buried in large quantities in the mausoleum of a Han emperor.

K: 羽人、木製漆仕上げ、湖北省荊州市、戦国時代の楚の墓、紀元前4世紀。

L: 羽人、青銅製、陕西省西安出土、前漢時代(前202~後8年)。

M: 彩色女俑、高さ63cm、漢陽陵考古陳列館蔵、前漢時代(前2世紀)。

Development of human statue
In ancient times, people emphasized the superior characteristic that people were in awe of animal at, and made the statues.
The statues like human had been buried almost always.
This was for using after the death of their load, and for respecting an ancestral spirits.

The most important thing is the people did not express the object of their belief as realistic human image, even as people probably had the arts of realistic expression in those days.

On the next times, we look at the forerunner of god statue.





History of sickness and medical art 3:  Start of the cure 2


Following last article, I search for the oldest cure.

Method to exclude the epidermal parasites alone.

An elephant and a buffalo, etc. exclude the epidermal parasites by covered of sand, and rolling.

The chimpanzee changes a place on a tree every day and makes new nest.
If the chimpanzee sleeps in the same place, he spread out new sprig on the nest.
This is to control the growth of the crab louse that causes the skin disease.
The human race evolved in the direction that loses hair in taking measure for crab louse about 1,200,000 years ago.





<  A nest of chimpanzee >

The oldest type among the care of health to others.

In that context, isn't a symbiosis of cleaning fishes in a tropical coral reef the oldest type?
A little cleaning fish enter a large fish's mouth, and can get bait while the fish was protected.
Interestingly, the both of them became familiarity mutually and have obtained profits mutually.



<  A symbiosis of cleaning fishes >

Does the animal understand other pains?

The university in Canada and the United States confirmed the mouse reacted to other pains by the experiment.
When a mouse that was putted in a glass vessel is given the pain by a medicine or an electroshock, other mouse that has seen the pain becomes sensitive and shows a similar pain reaction (expansion of the body etc.).
When a mouse noticed that the cause of giving the pain is in his operation, treading on a pedal was conditioned in advance by an experiment, the mouse comes to stop the operation.
If the mouse that receives a pain is unfamiliar one, in the case of a male, the sensitivity becomes low unlike a female.



l       It is universal in varying degrees that the animal gives the prevention and cure of sickness by oneself.
l       The chimpanzee is adequately selecting and practicing a cure that they get out the parasitic insect of intestines. It is a kind of food culture.
l       Caring for the others and recuperating oneself deepened with development of intelligence. Development of reciprocal altruistic behavior.
l       Development of ability to sympathize with other pains. A mirror neuron that produces sympathy exists in brain.

By cerebral evolution, the animal performed better exactly the sick prevention and the cure.
And the caring for others has been developed by the development of sympathy.
Though the behavior in the first stage had been ruled by the inheritance, after that, the acquired thing became important.

l       動物が自ら病の予防や治療を行うことは、程度の差はあれ普遍的。
l       チンパンジーは、腸内の病源を除く治療を的確に選択実行している。食文化の一種。
l       他者を介護し養生することは知能の発達と共に深まった。互恵的利他行動。
l       他者の痛みに共感する能力の発達。共感を生むミラーニューロンが脳に存在。



History of sickness and medical art 2:  Start of the cure 1

 a heart was pictured in an elephant's picture, 25000 years ago, Cueva del Pindal in spain

< a heart was pictured in an elephant's picture, 25000 years ago, Cueva del Pindal in spain

Since the creation of life, there were the sicknesses together with creatures.
On the other hand, the cure and the care developed together with the evolution of the creatures.
We look at the process of older period than modern humans.

Neanderthal also was taking care of fellows.

A male human bone of nearly 40 years old of only one eye and one hand was found in Shanidar cave of 30000 years ago in Iraq.
Probably, these obstacles were things from young times.
Therefore, if there were not care and offer of food from his family or fellow, he was not able to live.
In addition, about 1.7 million years ago in Kenya of Africa, though a Homo erectus had suffered from the excessive vitamin A syndrome, he was alive for a while.
This also had the possibility of caring for the sickness.
The example of curing the man ape is not found.




a burial by Neanderthal in Shanidar cave

< a burial by Neanderthal in Shanidar cave >

The chimpanzee in the jungle of Africa cures the sickness.

Occasionally, they chew at the stem of a very bitter grass that they don’t eat always, and drink the sap.
His diarrhea and stomachache will disappear within two days after the feeding.
According to an inspection of the plant, it has become clear that it has an antibacterial action and an intestinal parasite has an effect.



He is chewing at a stem of the grass to get rid of the parasitic worms.

< He is chewing at a stem of the grass to get rid of the parasitic worms. >

Moreover, occasionally, they swallow slowly without biting about tens of scabrous leaves.
Living parasitic worms were found in his defecation after several hours.
They have noticed the abnormality in their intestines, and they select and are executing an appropriate therapeutic procedure.

As they get into line with several fellows and face each other, they perform each other’s grooming.
This mainly is to remove parasitic worms or its eggs that adhered to their hair and skin.
They repair itchy places that are beyond the reach of a partner by using the finger and the mouth.
The repaired person seems pleasant, and may show the beginning of the healing.




< grooming >

It sometimes happens that they lick to take the dust of partner’s eye with a tongue.
They mutually guess other party's health and are giving care and cure.
Such behavior plays a big role in the appeasement of the group.

Please don't miss the next article!

