Visiting from Tajima shore to Tango Peninsula 11:  Visiting Tango Peninsula 3

但馬海岸から丹後半島を巡って 11: 丹後半島を巡る 3

< 1. Ine bay >
< 1.伊根湾  >

I introduce scenes from Ine bay in Tango Peninsula to Amanohashidate today.
This is the end of my itineraries of when I traveled from May 12 to 14, 2016.


< 2.  Maps show we visited places, its top is the north  >
< 2.旅行したルート、上が北  >
Upper map:  A red line shows areas that I already introduced, and a yellow line shows areas that I introduces from this time.
Lower map: a yellow line shows areas that I introduces from this time.
Two red arrows show famous sightseeing areas, Ine bay and Amanohashidate.

上の地図: 赤線がこれまで紹介した所で、黄線が今回紹介する所。
下の地図: 今回、ドライブした所。

< 3.  Ine bay  >
< 3. 伊根湾 >
Upper photo: this is a satellite photo that is a expansion of Ine bey.
The map’s top is the north.
A yellow circle is an observation deck in “Funaya” (boat houses) of Ine bay.
No. 1 and 2 are the shooting locations from the port.
A red arrow shows the direction that I took the lower photo from.

Lower photo:  I watch Ine bay from the south side.

上の写真: 衛星写真を拡大。上が北です。

下の写真: 伊根湾を南側から見ている。

<  4.  Scenery of When I was crossing a mountain >
< 4.山越えの景色 >

This time, the road along the shore from Kyougasaki cape was closed suddenly, so we crossed the mountain and went to Ine bay.

Upper photo:  we can see the sea of Tango-matushima distantly.
Lower photo:  a stock farm on the way.
There were persons who enjoyed collecting edible wild plants of spring.


上の写真: 遠くに丹後松島の海が見える。
下の写真: 途中の牧場。

< 5. I am overlooking Ine bay from the observation deck >
< 5.展望台から伊根湾を見下ろす >
These photos are arranged from the top in order of taking the photos from the left side to right side.

The reason why this Ine fishing port is a natural good port is that three elements overlapped.
There is a large volume of fish caught in Wakasa bay.
Then, the bay is oriented to the south that doesn’t suffer from winter angry waves while it faces the Sea of Japan.
Furthermore, the wind has little influence on the big bay because there is an island in the center of the entrance of the bay.



< 6.  expansion of boat houses  >
< 6.舟屋群の拡大 >

< 7.  Views from No.1 of the map  >
< 7.地図番号1からの眺め >

<  8.  Views from No.2 of the map >
< 8.地図番号2からの眺め >
Lower photo:  “Funaya” (boat houses).

The first floor is garage-like space at sea level for mooring a boat and families live on the floor above.
It is because the wind has little influence on the Ine bay

下の地図: 舟屋の拡大。


<  9.  sceneries between Ine bay and Amanohashidate >
< 9. 伊根湾を出て天橋立まで >

Upper photo:  I see the back (the south side) of Wakasa Bay.
Central photo:  I see a peninsula at the back of Miyazu bay.
Lower photo: a green thin belt that is extending over the sea is rows of approximately 8,000 pine trees of Amanohashidate.

Thank you for affection you have read this article for a long time.

上の写真: 若狭湾の奥(南側)を望む。
中央の写真: 宮津湾の向こうに岬が見える。
下の写真: 緑の細く続く帯が天橋立の約8000本の松並木です。


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