但馬海岸から丹後半島を巡って 7: 大乗寺と円山応挙 2
< 1. an enlarged picture in the room of peacock by Ōkyo >
< 1. 孔雀の間の絵:応挙筆 >
I introduce their pictures of Maruyama school in the reception hall of Daijyo-ji temple today.
I borrowed all the photos because persons could not photograph inside this hall.
Their photos are it of “ Daijyoji Temple, Digital Museum of the Maruyama School, http://museum.daijyoji.or.jp/index.html”
I recommend you to visit it because it is splendid.
主に「大乗寺円山派デジタルミュージアム 」のものです。
< 2. Inside the reception hall >
< 2. 客殿内部 >
Upper fig.: number 1-9 are main sightseeing places in the first-floor.
There is the pictures which you should look at the corridor on the way.
number 10-11 are rooms in the second-floor.
Lower fig.: this shows the first-floor, and the whole and the rooms indicate the Mandala of Buddhism.
This image consists of a Buddhist image room (Kannon Bodhisattva) in the center of the hall, and the Four Devas that defends Buddhism world in four corners.
actually, the Four Devas statues aren’t put on it, and for example, the room at the east corner depicts the agriculture scenes in connection with Jikokuten ( the Guardian of the East ) that rules economy and agriculture.
上の図: 番号1から9までが1階の主な見学場所です。
下の図: 1階部分の配置図で各部屋が真言の曼陀羅を模しています。
< 3. The room of agriculture, in 1795, room number 1. >
< 3.農業の間:呉春筆、1795年作、部屋番号1. >
Upper fig.: Visitor passes through the entrance, opens the shoji ( sliding paper door), and goes into this room first.
Total painting on the fusuma (sliding door) of three sides depicted seasonal agriculture scenes from the right side.
Central fig.: This shows the scene of rice planting that is the enlarged picture of the second fusuma from the left of the upper fig.
Lower fig.: this shows the threshing scene.
They are described only in the light and shade of the sumi (black ink), and person’s heads are largely described.
上の図: ここは玄関を抜けて、障子を開けて最初に入る部屋です。
中央の図: 上の図の左から2枚目の襖絵を拡大したもので、田植えを示す。
下の図: 稲刈り後の脱穀の様子。
< 4. the room of peacock by Ōkyo in 1795, room number 2. >
< 4.孔雀の間、円山応挙筆、1795年作、部屋番号2. >
Upper fig.: this room is the largest room and is in front of the Buddhist image room.
Pines and peacocks are drawn in gold foil only by the light and shade of sumi.
Parts that are thickly painted with sumi, pine needles and peacock’s wings look like green color.
It is mysterious.
Central fig.: paintings on the fusuma in front of the Buddhist image room.
Lower fig.: opening the fusuma.
Ōkyo died in several months after the completion of this picture.
上の図: この部屋は最大の部屋で仏間に面している。
中央の図: 仏間に面した襖絵。
下の図: 同じ襖を開けたところ。
< 5. The room of Japanese fiber banana by Ōkyo in 1787, room nouber 3. >
< 5.芭蕉の間、円山応挙筆、1787年作、部屋番号3 >
This room’s painting depicts a famous politician of Tang, a old man of the white clothing, in connection with Zochoten that rules government.
He drew this on the gold foil with color paints of blue, green, cinnabar, and sumi.
< 6. The room of landscapes by Ōkyo in 1787, room nouber 4. >
< 6.山水の間、円山応挙筆、1787年作、部屋番号4. >
This room is for persons of high rank, and was made by exquisite workmanship.
Upper fig.: these paintings describe that the water falling from deep mountains and dark valleys flows into the sea.
He drew it on the gold foil with only sumi.
Lower fig.: there is a waterfall in deep mountains on the left side.
上の図: 深山幽谷から流れ落ちる水が、やがて大海に注ぐ様子が描かれている。
下の図: 左が深山幽谷から流れ落ちる滝です。
< 7. The room of puppy, room number 6. >
< 7.狗子の間、山本守礼筆、部屋番号6. >[
Upper fig.: opening shoji (sliding paper door ) and going in, we can see playing puppies under plum flowers.
Central fig.: moreover, opening the fusuma(sliding door ), we can go into the room of mountains.
In the previous Japanese painting, dog was described as a holy thing, but Ōkyo preferably described puppies as everyday subject matter.
上の図: 障子を開けて入ると、梅の花の下で遊ぶ子犬たちに出会う。
中央の図: さらに襖を開けると、秀山の間に至る。
< 8. Three rooms >
< 8.三つの部屋 >
Upper fig.: the room of carp by Ōkyo in 1787, room number 5.
Central fig.: the room of mountains in 1787, room number 7.
Lower fig.: the room of immortal in 1787, room number 8.
上の図: 鯉の間、円山応挙筆、1787年、部屋番号5.
中央の図: 秀山の間、呉春筆、1787年、部屋番号7.
下の図: 仙人の間、秀雪亭筆、1787年、部屋番号8.
< 9. The room of envoy, room number 9. >
< 9.使者の間、山本守礼筆、部屋番号9. >
This theme is boys in China.
< 10. Two rooms on the second-floor >
< 10. 2階の二部屋 >
Upper two fig.: the room of monkey by Nagasawa Rosetsu in 1795, room number 11.
It is this picture that I was surprised most.
The expression of the monkey is really rich, and there is dynamism.
This is drawn without a draft at a stroke, so it indicates great ability of the artist.
Lower two fig.: the room of duck, room number 11.
The narrow painting on upper part of on the fusuma describes moth and butterfly.
上二枚の図: 猿の間、群猿図、長沢芦雪筆、1795年、部屋番号11.
下二枚の図: 鴨の間、梅花遊禽図、源埼筆、部屋番号10.
I feel that there are breathing paintings here.
There is also reproduction images here, but we can see their paintings as the placement of the paintings that the artist aimed at.
These all art works were made by Maruyama school.
Ōkyo and Maruyama school that were the mainstream in Kyoto in the middle of the Edo period.
It is amazing that their art works gather in the out-of-the-way place of the Sanin region.
This continues next time.